«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

467. The Feast of the Resurrection of Lazarus in Church Hymns. 27

468. Discourse on the Sunday of Vai in the Holy Land. 29

469. The Divine Crusader. 31

470. From the Notes of the Monk Cyprian. 32

471. The Beauty of the Paschal Service (Discourse at Vespers on the Day of Holy Pascha) 34

472. What do the holy myrrh-bearers teach us? 36

473. The Holy Ascetic of Paul. 37

474. A holy monk is a laborer for the fatherland. 39

475. A Word of Love of the Elder Saint (to Those Who Call Themselves Old Believers) 41

476. What the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian teaches us. 42

477. What is Unia. 44

478. The Triumph of Orthodoxy over the Unia. 46

479. Spiritual treasures of folk wisdom. 48

480. Without the hierarchy, there is no Church. 50

481. The Blessed Youth. 51

482. The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord in Church Hymns. 53

483. The Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in Church Hymns. 55

484. The Sin of Blasphemy. 56

485. At the Tomb of the Mother of God. 58

486. Suffering virtue. 59

487. Nothing is ours on earth. 61

488. Spiritual treasures of folk wisdom. 63

489. I know that I will die, but when I do not know. 65

490. Счастье родителей. 66

491. Праздник введения во храм Пресвятой Владычицы нашей Богородицы в Церковных песнопениях 68

492. Как помочь нашему общерусскому горю?. 69

493. Что такое просфора?. 71

494. «Я не твой брат…». 73

Плоды гордости. 73

495. Молитесь, матери, за детей своих! 75

496. Святая икона Божией Матери «Троеручица». 76

497. Забудь свои добрые дела. 78

498. Чему учат нас пастыри Вифлеемские. 79

499. Праздник Рождества Христова в Церковных песнопениях. 81

500. Черниговская икона Богоматери. 83