«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

679. Sayings of Barnabas the Unlike. 50

680. Was there a need to correct the Liturgical books? 52

681. Power for obedience. 54

682. The Prophecy of the Mother of God about Herself ("From now on all will bless Me" (Luke 1:48)) 56

683. Woe to our insensibility! 57

684. For the Instruction of Daughters-in-Law and Mothers-in-Law.. 59

685. The Lord loves the righteous. 61

686. The Annunciation of the Archangel to the Father of the Baptist. 62

687. "The Infirmities of the Weak" (Rom. 15:1,2) 64

688. Sergius Day. 66

689. Read, brethren, the Word of God. 67

690. The Four Saints Paraskevi.. 69

1. Paraskeva the Martyr. 69

2. Paraskeva the Nun-Martyr. 70

3. Venerable Paraskeva. 70

4. Paraskeva the Great Martyr. 71

691. What is the Great Litany? 71

692. Church singing. 73

693. The Firstborn Offspring of Sin. 75

694. Autumn Thoughts.. 77

695. Do not judge the poor, but give to him. 79

696. What is the root of drunkenness? 80

697. The World Glory of St. Nicholas. 82

698. Everything must and can be done for the glory of God. 84

699. The Singer of Repentance at the Manger of Christ. 85

651. "Prepare the way of the Lord!"

"The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths upright" (Mark 1; 3)

The voice that has cried out in the wilderness is heard in the cities, it is preached in the churches, it is heard throughout all the heavens, it sounds in the ears of people great and small, old and young, rich and poor, it frightens the souls of those who sit on thrones, it pierces the hearts of those who lie on pus... This voice crushes the cedars of Lebanon, shakes the Caddian oak groves, levels the high mountains with the thickets... He cries out menacingly: prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths right! And the Psalmist urges us to heed this voice: "Today if ye have been quickened by His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Psalm 94:7:8). Therefore, let us listen to this voice not only in order to hear it, but also in order to obey it, in order to actually fulfill what it commands us. And he commands us to prepare a straight path by which the Lord would come to us, and we could come to Him.