Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Transaction

From the experience of circles of people who gather to pray for the sick, it is clear: Something happens. In England, there are such circles (I don't know where else, I'm I am talking about what I know for sure). There are entire societies named after the Apostle Luke, named after the Archangel Raphael56: People who give of themselves partially—that is, by staying in their professions anything - caring for the sick, but not in the form of orderlies or nurses. They meet weekly, and each of them brings at least one name: Such and such a person suffers from such and such an illness or is in such and such a state able... And the whole group, when they realized what was happening to this person, immerses himself in prayerful meditation. This is not like a prayer service: "Lord, do it that's it." They actively absorb this person into consciousness, keep him in this consciousness with love, with benevolence, together with God, and I have seen cases when Something happened, it helped.

Is it possible to watch healing sessions? They talk about good and do real. It is difficult for a hopelessly ill person to give up hope...

I have not seen these sessions and will not undertake to give a definite answer, I can only To say this. Vladyka Sergius of Odessa spoke with one of these healers and asked him: "Are you baptized?" and he answered him: "Oh no! I didn't want to to be baptized, because I am sure that if I am baptized, I will lose my gift." For me This is a fairly significant answer.

I remember there was a famous healer in England whom I knew well, her all They were very respected, and she gave me the impression of a predatory animal. When my Her mother was dying of cancer, she wrote a letter offering her help, saying that she I prayed and it was revealed to her that she could heal my mother. And my mother answered: "I prefer to die cleanly than to be filthy healed."

Does it have anything to do with psychic healers or people? who treat with some biocurrents?

I think as soon as we put labels, we create problems. Methinks that it is natural to feel each other at a distance, just normal. Say When something hard mentally has happened to someone you love, so often "The heart gives tidings to the heart." I see no reason why this should not be and if this is a natural property, and not some kind of miracle, then why not To cultivate this sensitivity in yourself? It seems to me that the first thing you need to do to make this sensitivity to cultivate, it is to pay attention when it happens, and not On the contrary, I felt anxious about some person, I will stop there, I will think about this person, pray, worry – as best you can, and never miss these moments, otherwise this sensitivity is blunted, as any of our abilities is blunted, that we do not use. Of course, people are differently gifted, but in some way Everyone who is connected with others in a heartfelt way, and not only externally, can to feel it. I don't have a special gift for such things, but I almost always know Two days that there is a letter from such and such a person, and I just wait for him, or I know: Something happened to such and such a person.

And sometimes there is some general feeling of anxiety: something has dawned on you, how As if a scream was heard, and you heard the scream, but you do not recognize the voice, about it with me Father Sophrony once spoke. Then, he advised, seek by feeling, pray for everyone To a person whom you know, ask the question: are you or are you not? You or not you? — and on that the moment when it turns out to be "you" — it becomes quite clear: yes, I am no longer in the fog, I touched reality...

There are people who are very successful in treating diseases with various prayers. How should we treat this? The prayers are completely Christian, there are no distortions...

Good intentions, some kind of gift from God, good will, not sorcery on the evil, and a prayer that is addressed to God in a rational way — why not? In finally, they turn to the priest to perform anointing with oil in the event of Disease. The priest acts as a mystery performer, but the power of God does not limited to the sacraments. As Vladimir Nikolaevich Ilyin once said: A miracle is an irregular sacrament, that is, if the sacrament is understood as direct influence of God, then a miracle is an unforeseen form of such a influence, and why the grandmother cannot do this, but must certainly do some Is it a "patented" person to do this?

We have an unhealthy passion for witchcraft, so we are forced to The question arises: how clean is all this? Some psychics consider themselves Christians, but there is an opinion that they cure natural diseases with some kind of otherworldly forces...