* A decree is being prepared on the rehabilitation of church ministers.

† Sola Scriptura (Latin) – "Scripture alone" – is the slogan of Protestants who reject church tradition.

‡ This variant reading was already familiar to Origen7.

** The formula of faith that every tongue must profess is the recognition that Jesus is Lord.

Such punctuation is in the so-called "Brussels" edition of the Bible.

§ In parentheses – the author's clarification. –Red.

** Fr. Alexander Men recalled that Gleb Yakunin (then still a priest), Lev Regelson and Felix Karelin in the late 60s promised the end of the world and even rushed to New Athos. "Later they said that they did not indicate the exact time, but they told me that they indicated not only the time, but also the date, they were waiting for grandiose events that would move the masses to baptism."11

†† Catholic editions of the Bible place this episode under the heading of "church discipline," hinting that Christ's saying "that ye shall bind" does not refer to the reader personally, but only to the church authorities.

** Glossolalia is shouting in a state of ecstasy meaningless words, ridiculous sound combinations, perceived by sectarians as "proclamation of God." –Red.

‡‡ Italicized words in quotations from the Epistles of the Apostles Paul and James are highlighted by the author. –Red.

§§ Exegesis – here: explanation and interpretation. –Red.

** St. John Chrysostom, for example, emphasizes that the past should not be judged by the standards of the present. Elijah was right in bringing down fire from heaven on sinners, for this punishment was necessary in order to strike the imagination of the people who had not yet left the time of childhood, but James and John, wishing to imitate the prophet, were condemned by the Savior. "Now that they have been abolished, do not ask how the precepts of the Old Testament could be good. Ask only whether they were good for the time for which they were created. If they did not make us capable of receiving better precepts, we would not attain what they lack. Do you see how one and the same thing, according to the time, is good, and afterwards is given to those who are not like that?" (St. John Chrysostom)14.

In the words of the contemporary dissident Catholic theologian Hans Küng, "it is undeniable that Catholics have sometimes overestimated the Pastoral Epistles (the pastoral epistles of the Apostle Paul, which affirm the hierarchical principle of church life), as a result of which Ecclesiology has been largely transformed into hierarchology."

** "Having served absolutism with truth and falsehood, Latinism decided to be liberal."22