«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»
Thus pleased God the Father, Who provided for His Son Jesus and saw far into the future. The Heavenly Father foresaw that the eternal persecutors and denigraters of His Son would spread lies about Jesus, that He went to India and there learned from the yogis and fakirs their wisdom, as well as the ability to perform miracles. Or have you, Theodoulos, not seen among the great slanderous literature directed against Jesus a book called "Jesus in India," or "Jesus among the Indian Yogis," or "Jesus in Tibet," and so on? The goal of the traitors and slanderers of the Judas tempering is quite clear: to prove that Jesus Christ did not say anything new, did not do anything original, which was not said before Him and was done in India. According to them, He is not the Messiah, not the Savior of the world, not the incarnate God, but a disciple of India and one of the countless Indian philosophers and yogis.
In order to neutralize such fabrications and slander in advance, and so that Christians would not be confused when they heard them, by God's Providence, the twelve-year-old Jesus appeared in the temple of Jerusalem before the Jewish teachers and elders, in order to amaze them all with His wisdom. And, equally, by God's Providence, this scene was recorded by the Evangelist Luke in his Gospel. This means that Jesus in His twelve years was in Nazareth, in His lineage and His house, and even then He was wise and all-wise, not needing any India to teach His understanding. But wasn't He in India before? This is unrealistic. After all, what could a child under the age of twelve do in India, where monasteries did not accept children? In addition, it is clear from Luke's account that Jesus went to Jerusalem with his parents for the feast of the Passover until the age of twelve.
And that even later, from the age of twelve to thirty, Jesus did not visit a foreign land, this is again evident from the words of the Gospel. In the first place, it is evident that Mary and Joseph were very anxious about Him and could not bear to be separated from Him even for two or three days. And the Mother said to Him, "Child! What have you done to us? That is, why did You separate Yourself from us for a few days? Behold, Thy father and I have sought Thee with great sorrow.
Caring and gentle Mother!
Would such caring parents have allowed Jesus to go to India and they would not have gone with Him, if they had to go? They fled with Him to Egypt from the bloody Herod and lived with Him in Egypt.
And secondly, the divinely inspired evangelist writes that after this appearance of Jesus in Jerusalem, He went with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them, and grew in wisdom, stature, and love for God and people.
Consequently, until His thirtieth birthday, He remained obedient to His Mother and Elder Joseph, working as a carpenter craftsman and remaining silent.
Verily, He had nothing to do in India, or in Egypt, or in Greece, or in any other country, and even in Palestine, His earthly homeland. But He learned in the land of Silence - in His soul, in which the Spirit of God always breathed. The same Spirit of God, by Whose power He was bodily conceived in the body of His Mother, did not leave His soul for a moment. Thus He grew in wisdom from the Holy Spirit and did not need anyone to teach Him.
And what could He have learned in India? Many of us now know what India knows, and we regret to say that it is not enough.
The Indians say: "The incarnation of God and His appearance in the form of a man are not unknown to us. God Krishna incarnated many times, walked among people and taught them." Alas, what did he teach them? And what did it save them from, if even today India, the land of Krishna, immersed in sorrow and despair, groans from this life and yearns for nirvana, non-existence and emptiness? What kind of God is this, if He incarnated and walked the earth so often, and could not change the fate of mankind for the better?
And the god Shiva, they say, also incarnated many times, and lived among people, and taught people! What did he teach them? Nothing but the desperate belief that this world, infinite in time and space, was and is a labyrinth without windows or doors, and that all gods are just as helpless and desperate creatures as men. This was confirmed by Gautama Buddha, who said that he came to save people, gods, and demons (with their lord archibes) from the samsara of existence.
Ah, Theodoulos, our mother India has nothing to teach us. She must renounce all fables about gods who cannot save either themselves or people. All its gods are demons, keeping people bound in the nets of their lies and in the shackles of their ruthless dominion.
Our Mother India must accept that God who is so powerful, so omnipotent, that it is enough for Him to appear once in human flesh among men to bring about the salvation of the human race. The true God is not like a man, for example, the governor of a certain region, who has to go to this or that city many times to repair the bridges in it, and then these bridges again break down. But God is God, the one and only, omnipotent, all-wise, all-righteous, all-merciful, eternal, invincible, terrible, all-pure, loving to mankind.
The incarnation of such a God in the world is an event that is not repeated in the history of mankind, nay, in the history of the universe.