- What is the reason for the need to introduce a moderation system? Many users were extremely dissatisfied with this.

- The Internet is like your tram, where one madman will yell and disperse all the others. Restrictions had to be imposed. For example, one person cannot open more than three topics in a row, because excessively active sectarians began to use my forum to conduct their propaganda, and this was not part of my plans.

- Do you delve into the life of the so-called "forum party", which holds regular meetings in real life, joint tea parties, hikes, pilgrimages?

-No. Of course, I can't forbid other people to communicate. But I myself was only at the first of these meetings and did not come again, primarily because I do not want to give rise to gossip about the fact that Kuraev created his own Internet sect. Recently, I had a kind of "meeting" with one of the forum participants. On Christmas night, I served in the church in Adler. And leaving the church, I saw that some guy was trying to get in, but the Cossacks wouldn't let him in. The guy was probably not very sober and strove to go to church in a jester's hat. And then he saw me and began to shout: "Father Andrei, well, you, at least tell me, why am they not letting me in? Why, well, I'm corresponding with you on the Internet!"

- For what purpose do you usually use the Internet, what are you most often looking for?

- In addition to searching for news, I have several peculiar reasons to turn to the resources of the Internet.

Firstly, I believe that the Internet is an indispensable "inquisitor's weapon". When you need to get information about a person, publication, or center, you can find very interesting things with the help of the Internet.

For example, two years ago, many newspapers and magazines, including some church provincial publications, published information that in the city of Priozersk, local parishioners filed a lawsuit against the tax inspectorate regarding the introduction of tax numbers. The court ordered an independent scientific examination, which stated that there was a number of the beast in the barcode. From the very beginning, I was confused by the fact that the "independent secular expert" Alexei Ipatov was introduced as the "head of the laboratory of energy-informational influences". It was immediately clear that we were talking about a banal psychic, but I turned to the Internet and began to look for who it was. And it turned out that Ipatov's laboratory, in particular, was engaged in testing the hands of Alan Chumak and even found that his fingertips "emit energies unknown to science." A wonderful conclusion for a scientific laboratory!

The second motive for my immersion in the Internet is when there is a need to refute the lies about the Church that arise from time to time on some forums or sites. For example, now I am conducting a polemic on a normal scientific astronomical site on Copernicus, Giordano Bruno and Galileo.

And, finally, the third reason for turning to the Internet is the search for a backlash. Through the Internet, it is easy to find out what echo in the local press, on local forums remained after my arrival in a city, work in it.

Yes, and slowly I am starting to get used to electronic libraries. As a rule, I use them not for reading, but for the purpose of searching and copying a quote from a book that I have already read in paper form.