- Of course, Moscow itself. It is necessary to change the consciousness of the authorities, the press and society. The capitulatory policy and life according to the principle - "if only there is no war" - in the current conditions leads to a dead end. We must realize that today Russia is simply returning to the normal course of its history. War was a sad routine for her. In our thousand-year history, the average interval between wars was no more than three or four years. This means that every man should at least potentially feel like a warrior, and every mother should understand that when she raises her sons, she does not do it so that they always stay by her side. Without such awareness and education, we will very soon become slaves.

- What concrete steps do the clergy and the Orthodox community now expect from the authorities?

- Try to look at our television through the eyes of Muslims: preaching paganism (endless horoscopes, healers, magicians), showing debauchery, thoughtless cult of wealth and entertainment. A believing Muslim does not find what is dear to his heart on federal TV channels. And, therefore, he will do his best to protect his children from what pours from our TV screens. And the source of such television broadcasting – Ostankino and Moscow – will be an enemy in his mind.

- And what about the Orthodox?

- The Orthodox have nowhere to go. Stupefied or not, this is still our Motherland. Muslims do not have such an identification of their paths with Moscow and Russia. Moscow television provokes a burning desire in a believing Muslim to disconnect from him as from some kind of enemy who penetrates into the house and steals the souls of his children. Hence the desire to fence himself off from Moscow.

- And what is the connection with terrorism?

- Any guerrilla war is impossible without the support of the population. I am not an employee of the special services and therefore I cannot solve the question of how to purge terrorists by force. This question is not in my competence. I am talking about the fact that the psychological base in which at least partial sympathy for the militants can nest should be narrowed as much as possible.

- So, we should start with television?

- Yes, it is not Vedeno that needs to be cleaned up, but Ostankino. Moral censorship is needed. For the sake of the lives of our children, for the sake of the future of the country, we need to limit our desires and "freedoms". In addition, it is high time to create a federal Muslim TV channel. Of course, along with this, an Orthodox TV channel is also needed.