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He ordered all poor people to come to his princely court and receive everything they needed there: food, clothing and even money. In addition, carts were loaded with bread, meat, fish, vegetables, honey, kvass and sent to cities and villages, for all the sick and beggars who could not walk themselves. The people fell in love with their grand prince and nicknamed him "the Red Sun" and, as to the sun, reached out to him and went with him to God. St.

Our Church canonized Grand Duke Vladimir, as well as Princess Olga; and she called Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles. Temples of the Moscow Kremlin From Kiev, the Orthodox Christian faith, with the help of God, soon spread and was established throughout the Russian land. The Russian people wholeheartedly accepted the Orthodox faith, which brought with it spiritual enlightenment: writing, monasteries and the establishment of schools, the development of all kinds of arts, and created the entire Russian culture.

The light of Christ shone over our country. It began to be called "Holy Russia", and the people – the "Orthodox Russian people". Part Four. ON THE FAITH AND LIFE OF CHRISTIANITY. The purpose of man God created us, people, in His image and likeness, He gave us reason, free will, and an immortal soul, so that by knowing God and becoming like Him, we would become better and kinder, more perfected, and inherit eternal blissful life with God.

Therefore, the existence of man on earth has a deep meaning, a great purpose and a high goal. In God's creation there is and cannot be anything meaningless. And if a person lives without faith in God, not according to God's commandments, not for the future eternal life, then the existence of such a person on earth becomes meaningless. For people who live without God, life seems incomprehensible and accidental, and such people themselves are often worse than animals.

In order for each person to fulfill his purpose on earth and receive eternal salvation, it is necessary, first, to know the true God and believe in Him correctly, that is, to have true faith, and secondly, to live according to this faith, that is, to love God and people and do good deeds. The Apostle Paul says that without faith it is impossible to please God" (Heb. 11:6)

, and the Apostle James adds that "faith without good works means without love, and such faith is an inactive faith, a dead faith. Thus, for our salvation, correct faith and life according to this faith (good works) are necessary. The true teaching about how to believe in God correctly and how people should live is contained in the Orthodox Christian faith, since it is based on Divine revelation.

Divine revelation is everything that God Himself has revealed to people about Himself and about the correct true faith in Him. God communicates His revelation to people in two ways: natural and supernatural. Natural revelation or manifestation is such a revelation of God when God reveals Himself in the usual natural way, to each person, through the world (nature) that we see

and through our conscience, which is, as it were, the voice of God in us, telling us what is good and what is bad, and also through life , the history of all mankind. If a people loses faith in God, then calamities and misfortunes befall them, and if they do not repent, they perish and disappear from the earth; let us remember: the flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Jewish people scattered throughout the earth, etc .

The entire world around us is a great book of God's revelation, testifying to the omnipotence and wisdom of God the Creator. People who study this world, scientists – all, with very rare exceptions, are believers. "Because in order to investigate (study) something, you need to be sure, to believe that everything that is studied is done meaningfully, according to a certain plan."

"Even the simplest machine, by chance, cannot arise by itself, even if we meet a correctly placed group of stones, we will already conclude from their correct location that they were laid in this way by some person. A random group will always be formless, irregular. Even Cicero (an ancient scientist and writer who lived before Christ) said that no matter how many millions of times you roll dice with letters, lines of poetry will not work out of them.

And the universe that surrounds us is much more complex than the most complex machine and is full of much more meaning than the most deeply meaningful poem" (from the conversations of Arch. Nathanael). The Apostle Paul was the most educated man of his time, and he says: "Every house is built by someone, but he who has made all things is God" (Heb. 4:3) The great scientist Newton, who discovered the laws of motion of heavenly bodies, as if exposing the greatest mystery of the universe, was a believer and was engaged in theology.

When he pronounced the name of God, he reverently stood up and took off his hat. The great Pascal, a genius of mathematics, one of the creators of new physics, was not just a believer, but also one of the greatest religious thinkers in Europe. Pascal said: "All the contradictions that most of all seem to want to remove me from the position of religion most of all have led to it."

The great founder of all modern bacteriology (the science that studies the life of bacteria and their influence on the human body), the thinker who penetrated more deeply than others into the mystery of organic life , Pasteur says: "The more I study nature, the more I stop in awe at the works of the Creator." The famous scientist Linnaeus ends his book on plants with the following words: "Truly there is a God, great, eternal, without Whom nothing can exist." Astronomer (studying the movement of celestial bodies-stars)

Kepler exclaims: "Oh, great is our Lord and great is His might, and His wisdom has no bounds. And you, my soul, sing the glory of your Lord all your life." Even Darwin, whose teachings were later used by semi-scientists to refute faith in God, was a very religious man all his life and for many years was a churchwarden in his parish.