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Kartashev A.V.

Essays on the History of the Russian Church

Volume 1

© Holy Trinity Orthodox School




The pre-state era

Was the Apostle Andrew the First-Called in Russia?

The Beginnings of Christianity on the Territory of the Future Russia

I. The Beginning of the Historical Life of the Russian People

II. The Most Ancient Testimonies of the Russes' Acquaintance with Christianity

The first baptism of the Kievan Russ

Oleg (882-912)

Igor (912-942)

Princess Olga (945-969)

Svyatoslav (945-972)

Prince Vladimir. His conversion and baptism

Extra-Russian, Greek, and Arabic Testimonies

Comprehension of the "Tale"

Baptism of the Kievans

The Transfiguration of Prince Vladimir himself

The Western Myth of the Baptism of Rus

Relations of the Popes of Rome with Prince. Vladimir

Who was the first Russian metropolitan?

Division into periods

The Kievan or pre-Mongol period

The Spread of Christianity

Church administration in the Kievan period

Dioceses and bishops

Diocesan Governing Bodies

Church Laws

Means of Maintenance of the Higher Hierarchy

Parish clergy

Relations between the authorities, church and state

Monasticism in the pre-Mongol period

Christianization of the Russian people

A) Faith

B) Morality (personal and public)

Education of state power