Orthodoxy and modernity. Electronic library.


Theological disputes. Acquisitiveness and non-acquisitiveness

Publicism of the Prince-Monk Vassin

Maxim Grek


Forerunners of strigolniks


The heresy of the Judaizers

The heresy of Bashkin and Kosoy

The Case of Hegumen Artemy

The case of the clerk Viskovaty

The Southwestern Metropolia from the Division of the Russian Church in 1458 to the Union of Brest in 1596

List of Western Russian Orthodox metropolitans who ruled from 1458 to 1596

Grand Dukes of Lithuania, who became Kings of Poland in 1386

The General Position of the Russian Church in the Lithuanian-Polish State

The state of church affairs under individual metropolitans

Metropolitan Gregory the Bulgarian (1458-1473)

Metropolitan Misail (1475-1480)

Metropolitan Simenon (1480-1488)

Jonah Glezna (1488-1494)

Metropolitan Macarius (1494-1497)

Metropolitan Joseph I Bolgarinovich

Metropolitan Jonah II (1503-1507)

Metropolitan Joseph II Soltan (1507-1522)

Internal Church Relations

The situation in the former Galician Metropolia

Metropolitan Joseph III (1522-1534)

Metropolitan Macarius II (1534-1555)

Question about the Metropolis of Galicia

General characteristics of the situation of the Orthodox Church in the first half of the XVI century: the reign of Sigismund I (1506-1548)

Protestantism in Poland and Lithuania

Sigismund II Augustus led. Prince of Lithuania from 1544 and King of Poland from 1548 to 1572.


The Positive Side of Sigismund Augustus' Liberalism for Orthodoxy