St. Athanasius the Great. Commentaries on the Psalms. St. Athanasius the Great COMMENTARIES ON PSALMS 74 (1). In the end, that thou shalt not corrupt, a psalm to Asaph. CONTENT. In this psalm, the person of the Apostles is introduced, who advise people to put an end to wickedness, and present to them a terrible and Divine judgment.      (2). O God, Thou shalt know Thee... Let us sing all Thy miracles.

The Face of the Apostles makes a vow, having been freed from the persecutors, to see the miracles of God.      (3). I'm right. This is what the Savior says, heeding the vow of the Apostles.      (4). The earth melted and all that dwell in it. According to Thy righteous judgment Thou didst cause the earth to melt, that is, Jerusalem, and all that dwell in it.

But this can be understood in two ways: both in the good side, having melted — in the meaning: she ceased to be strong in deceit, and in the bad — in the designation of the punishment that befell them. And I will strengthen her pillars. The pillars of Jerusalem are the holy Apostles, according to what has been said: the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). And the Apostle says: "And having known the grace given to me, James, and Cephas, and John, were pillars" (Gal. 2, 9).      (5). To the wicked, Do not do wrong.

With these words the Apostles begin to offer their advice to the people to put an end to wickedness, and they despise the Jewish people for their pride, and exalt the believing Gentiles for their humility.      (6). Do not lift up your horn to the height of your horn; for animals that have horns are too magnified by them.

And the psalm commands not to increase iniquity with arrogance, and not to stir up the tongue against the Lord.      (7). For lower from the exodus, lower from the west, lower from the empty mountains. This means the entire inhabited world. The Exodus is called the east, in which the sun rises; in the west, the place where the sun sets; the empty mountains are the north and the south: for these countries are uninhabited because of the excessiveness of the cold and heat.

Therefore, do not be wicked, for no one in the whole universe who speaks blasphemous things about God will hide from Him.      (8). He humbles this one, and exalts this one. As a good judge, he humbles the wicked, but exalts the humble in heart. This should be understood about two peoples, I mean the Jews and the Gentiles who believed.

For the former are humbled for their arrogance, and the latter are exalted for their humility. He sets up kings and reposes (Dan. 2:21), he raises up the poor from the earth, and from the festering he exalts the poor (Psalm 112:7). He, having humbled those who are of circumcision, exalted those who are of the Gentiles.      (9). Like a cup in the hand of the Lord, the wine is undissolved, the fulfillment of dissolution.

In the Lord's hand is the chalice, into which, as it were, the Lord squeezes both the good and the evil fruits of each person, and mixing the good with the evil, fills the cup with it. And then, those who do not tremble, i.e. , sins, continue to drink, i.e., they drink the cup, i.e ., they get drunk on their own evil deeds. And likewise the Saints will drink the cup of life in the kingdom of heaven with the Lord Jesus, according to the word of the Lord Himself: "When I drink with you in the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 26:29).      (10).

And I will rejoice for ever, I will sing to the God of Jacob. When I partake of the chalice of life, then I will rejoice from it.      (11). And I will break all the horns of sinners. If, in the humiliation of the Saints, the horn of sinners is lifted up on high; then, it is evident that, at the exaltation of the Saints, the horns of sinners will be broken. Who are these sinners, if not the evil demons who oppose the people of God? And the horn of the righteous shall be lifted up. A horn is a kingdom or dominion.

Therefore, he says, when the righteous, after the overthrow of the evil powers, will receive strength; then, then, precisely then, the wondrous works of God will be revealed. That is why at the beginning of the psalm the Prophet said: "Let us sing all Thy wonders, when the time comes" (2-3).