Svyatoslav Kobov

The main goal of Islamic radicalism is to change the place and role of religion in the life of society, as a result of which representatives of this movement reject the dominant ideology, the political practice of the existing secular regime and the state structure as not corresponding to the norms of the Muslim religion.

Thus, Islamic extremists pursue the following goals: the establishment of the foundations of an Islamic theocratic state in society, the introduction of Sharia norms into public practice, and, finally, the restoration of the caliphate as a single state formation for all Muslims.

As extensive world practice shows, radical Islam will not stop within the fixed boundaries of the geographical residence of a certain community of Muslims, since for them the cherished dream is to unite the entire Muslim ummah of the world within the framework of a single political state formation – the caliphate. In this case, the process of "spreading" of Islamic radical ideology and practice to other "Muslim" territories, both within the framework of Russia, the CIS and other countries of the world, seems inevitable.

Thus, it seems relevant to analyze the Muslim literature on jihad as a factor destabilizing modern society.

The study of the problem of extremism in Islam is a relatively new area of research in the field of political science, since modern extremism dates back to the formation of the Muslim extremist organization Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 1926.5

During the compilation of the bibliography for the work, we saw that there is a lot of literature on terrorism and extremism. But almost all of it is devoted to the analysis of the political component of modern Islamic extremism. In the same vein, the diploma work of S. Samishchenko, a graduate of the Kursk Orthodox Theological Seminary, was written6. Although the title states that the work is devoted to an analysis of jihad, in fact it describes contemporary Muslim extremism without evaluating the texts. There is practically no separate literature that reveals the features and characteristic features of the texts of the Koran and Sunnah, which contain calls for jihad. Therefore, we had to turn to extremist literature, which can be easily found on the Internet.

We consider it necessary at the very beginning of our work to define such concepts as Islamic fundamentalism, radicalism and extremism.

"Islamic fundamentalism" is a religious and political trend in Islam, which is associated with the activities of socio-political, economic, social, cultural, educational and elite groups that use in their practice slogans calling for building a state on the basis of the principles of early Islam, the time of the Prophet Muhammad and the first four "righteous" caliphs.

"Radicalism" is the resolute, uncompromising implementation of intentions to introduce "true Islam" into politics and everyday life of society. Islamic radicalism is a set of socio-political ideas and actions aimed at radically changing the basic social institutions or the political system of society as a whole.

"Extremism" is a commitment to extreme views and actions in ideology and politics. Modern extremism is characterized by the choice, advocacy and application of extreme violent methods and means in solving theoretical and practical social problems.

The object of the diploma research is extremism as a religious phenomenon.

The subject of the thesis is religious texts used by Islamic extremists.

The purpose of the thesis is to identify the features and characteristic features of the texts of the Quran and Sunnah, which contain calls for jihad.

The implementation of this goal requires the solution of the following tasks: to identify the sources from which extremist calls for jihad are derived; to show different understandings of jihad; to consider the history of the understanding of jihad; to identify the main texts on jihad and their interpretations.