Valentin Mordasov /What do you advise, Father?/ The Library THE GRACE-FILLED WORD OF THE ASCETICS OF PIETY: WHAT DO YOU ADVISE, FATHER? Answers to the Difficulties of Everyday Christian Life and Church Piety MOSCOW 2011   Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012 UDC 248 BBK 86.

"In order to make your thoughts less cold, you can only occasionally glance at the icons," says St. But we should know that icons are only for external eyes, and therefore, when we stand at prayer, we must remember that we stand before God. An icon should not be imagined in the mind under any circumstances"[20].

Is it possible to pray while walking or lying in bed? Is it necessary to stand while reading the Gospel when praying at home, and is it possible to read the Gospel on public transport? When you do not perform the prayer rule, then you can pray in any position, but when you do the rule, then it is sinful to lean on and sit unnecessarily. If you can, it is better to read the Holy Scriptures while standing.

The Gospel, and if you are tired or infirm, then sitting, with reverence. In public transport, it is better to read the Psalter. Do spiritually wise people advise to engage in the Jesus Prayer on their own, and if so, to what extent? The Jesus Prayer is very useful and salvific to be practiced orally, ordinarily, but the Prayer of the Heart can be practiced only under the guidance of experienced elders and with St. John.

books about the Jesus Prayer, and most importantly – not to seek anything through it, except for mercy. But what use can there be from the Jesus Prayer if I pronounce it only with my lips, not understanding what I am saying, my mind is still running to the side? "You do not understand," said the Optina Elder Macarius, "but the demons understand and tremble.

Calm down and continue praying as much as you can"[21]. Why does it happen that there seems to be no strength at all to read the prescribed prayer rule, but when you start reading, as if the strength came from somewhere? "Do not believe your flesh, which threatens you with inadequacy during prayer: it lies. If you begin to pray, you will see that the flesh will become your obedient slave. Prayer will revive it too.

Always remember that the flesh is a liar" (St. John of Kronstadt) [22]. What is the best way to pray, alone or in two, three? St. John of Kronstadt said: "The Lord loves and listens to prayers more than we pray when we pray not alone and not only for ourselves and not for ourselves alone, but together, from all and for all"[23].

What to do on a feast day if you cannot go to church and cannot read spiritual books? At home, at least lying down, pray, since God will require inner prayer even from a seriously ill person. It is also good to study God: about the life of the Savior on earth, about the Last Judgment, about the Resurrection of the dead, about eternal life, bliss and eternal torment, about death and toll-houses. Elder of Athos Fr.

Arsenius writes: "This is the same as prayer"[24]. Why are the same prayers repeated so often in church? Every now and then: "Lord, have mercy." "And why do we repeat and speed up our breathing? It is necessary, it excites and sustains our lives. For the same purpose, frequent prayers are needed. And in fact, what does it mean: "Lord, have mercy"?

This is the cry of a guilty person and condemned to death, asking for pardon from an irritated justice. This is the cry of a penitent who expresses a firm intention to reform and begin a new life befitting a Christian. This is the cry of a sinner who is ready to have mercy on others himself, as one who has been immeasurably pardoned and merciful to God, the Judge of his deeds" (St. John of Kronstadt [25]).

Sometimes a person prays, it would seem, fervently, but his prayer does not bring him the fruits of peace and joy of the heart in the Holy Spirit. Why? "Because, praying according to ready-made prayers, he did not sincerely repent of the sins that he committed that day, with which he defiled his heart, this temple of Christ, and with which he angered the Lord. But if he should remember them and repent with all sincerity, condemning himself impartially, and peace will immediately dwell in his heart, surpassing all understanding (Phil. 4:7).

In the prayers of the Church there is an enumeration of sins, but not all of them, and often those with which we have bound ourselves are not mentioned. It is necessary to enumerate them yourself in prayer with a clear awareness of their importance, with a feeling of humility and with contrition of heart. That is why in the evening prayers it is said when enumerating sins: either this or that has done evil, i.e.

is left to our will to mention certain sins" (St. John of Kronstadt) [26]. On Epiphany I will be 22 years old. I myself have been baptized for ten years, but something began to change in me quite recently, literally a year or two. But, probably, I have not yet become quite a Christian, since I am still ashamed to pray in church, although I pray at home.

And as soon as I begin to pray, tears flow from me. What is this? Purification? Tears in church can indeed be purifying, but they can also be a reminder that the soul really wants repentance, confession and communion, and false shame (fear of prayer in church) prevents it from doing so. What if I overslept and there is no time for the morning rule, and I am in a hurry to go to work or to the beginning of the service in church?

If it happens that you oversleep and do not have time to read the morning rule, then you can do this: start reading it at home, and finish it on the road. Is it possible to read the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian on holidays and weekdays, or only during Great Lent? You can, if the shower requires it. Is it possible to read the canon of repentance on feasts, Christmastide, and Bright Week, if one has committed a sin?