St. Clement of Alexandria


Since the Pedagogue brought us into the church and united us with Himself, it is quite natural that we should bring praise and gratitude to this Teacher, the all-seeing Logos, the Lord, every time we are here. People who are well-bred should do this perfectly and decently.

Hymn to Christ the Savior

A bridle for foolish foals,

The wing of birds in flight that do not wander,

Strong ships were fed,

Shepherd of the king's lambs!

Your simple

Gather the children

To glorify sacredly,

Sing ingenuously

Through innocent lips

Christ the Child-Guide.

King of saints,

O Logos, Giver of Humility,

To the wisdom of the Father Most High Guide,

In the works of the Support,

Eternal Joy of Life,

Of mortal race

Saviour, Jesus,

Shepherd, Plowman,

Feeding, bridling,

The heavenly wing of the holy flock!

Fisher of men,


From the sea of wickedness!

Clean fish

From the wave of hostility

to a sweet life!

Lead us, sheep

Shepherd of the prudent!

Holy King, lead

Thy immaculate children,

By the paths of Christ,

By the way of heaven!

O Eternal Word!

O infinite Eternity!

O Eternal Light!

The Fountain of Mercy,

A co-worker of virtue,

Life is impeccable

Those who glorify God! O Christ Jesus!