Daniil Sysoev/Catechetical Conversations/ Library Golden-Ship.ru Priest Daniel Sysoev CATECHETICAL CONVERSATIONS Publishing House of the Church of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, Moscow, 2007   Orthodox Library, Golden Ship, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS On God and the Holy Scriptures On the Commandments of God On the Mystery of the Incarnation of God On Baptism and the Sacraments of the Church On Good and Evil. On the struggle with sin.

— It is human nature to write for oneself. But here it is written only from the point of view of God. This is indeed the word of God, the purest word of God. The next, third evidence that the Bible is the word of God, the miracle of its authors. We know this not only from the Old Testament, but also from the New. The apostles also worked miracles, the Jews spoke about this.

The Talmud mentions that, for example, under no circumstances should you go to Christians, to the apostles, who heal on Saturday, this is prohibited. That is, even the enemies said that the apostles worked miracles. Moreover, such as no one could reproduce. No one can, for example, raise the dead. "Why?" "Because only the Creator can resurrect the dead.

A friend of mine was writing a paper on Muslim miracles. In Islam, miracles occurred, real ones, but not a single resurrection of the dead was recorded. In fact, this is a very interesting fact, which shows by whose power they worked miracles. This one can heal, but he is not able to raise the dead. And there were even attempts, but when they failed, they said: well, this is not for us.

One Muslim honestly said that only Christians are capable of resurrecting. And why? Because miracles can be done by the power of the enemy or God. "Is the enemy's force capable of healing?" Healings can be done by the power of the enemy and by the power of God. If the enemy has brought some kind of disease, he can remove it, elementarily. Imagine, I will, for example, fry you with a soldering iron, and then remove the soldering iron. The same is true of the demon.

Evil spirits know the material world well, they know better than humans, so they can naturally act in this way. But practice shows that miracles performed by evil spirits do not have the property of healing. They heal a person one thing, and cripple another. This is how all psychics act, without exception. Many people came to us after psychics.

They will cure, for example, enuresis in a person, and his cancer begins. It is not for nothing that psychics themselves get cancer very often. "Why?" — Yes, it turns out that this happens at the expense of demons. And the fact that demons can perform miracles, the word of God speaks about this directly. Demonic forces exist, but there are things that are not reproducible for demons, these are miracles of creation.

For example, a demon cannot heal a man born blind. Why? Because a man born blind has no eyes. Eyes must be created. For example, a blind person with a cataract can be healed by a demon, just like a person. After all, cataracts just need to be removed. And a demon cannot heal a man born blind, who has no eyes. A demon cannot perform a real exorcism of a demon. To exchange one demon for another is, of course, no problem.

It happens like this: a person gets angry, then comes home – the family quarrels, and then they call on the phone, the wife is called to the phone, the wife immediately begins to speak affectionately, as if she had not just scolded. And why? There was an exchange: the demon of anger passed the demon of vanity to the man, one changed the other. "And why do sectarians cast out demons?" "One demon is replaced by another.

How, in fact, does the real exorcism of demons manifest itself, what is the sign? In the fact that a person begins not only to recover, but to show love for God. He begins to do good deeds with all his might, to fulfill the commandments of the Lord, living in the Orthodox Church, living in the Church of Christ. This is the sign of God's real action. This must be distinguished. Pentecostals cast out demons, solemnly.

The shaman runs up to them: oh, he says, you are shamans like us! We do the same, you know how great we do! He asked: share your practice, what spell did you start? "But they expel in the name of Christ, you can't do that, can you?" "Why?" "Everyone is standing there with icons. "Yes, everyone is standing with icons, sorcerers are standing with icons and crosses and calling on the name of God.

Find at least one sorcerer now who does not call upon the name of God. — There are believing healers in the Church. "Here they are acting in the name of the enemy, not by the Spirit of God. They blaspheme God. Do you know why they call on the Spirit of God? To blaspheme Him. For this, the enemy helps them. Psychics always demand to baptize a child in order to work on him. What for?

In order to mock Baptism, to gain more power over a person. You see, a man who has been saved by grace has committed a greater sin than a man who has not had grace. Many magicians require that a person come to them after Communion. That is why the Lord said: "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven..." (Matt. 7:21)

It was not by chance that it was said, remember: "Many will say to Me in that day, Lord! God! Have we not prophesied in Thy name? and did they not cast out demons in Thy name? and did they not work many miracles in Thy name?" (Matt. 22) It is said directly about these people, about sectarians, sorcerers and psychics: "... many will come in My name, and will say, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many" (Matt. 24:5). Why?

The sign is this: the Spirit of God leads into the Church. If a person begins to cast out demons in the name of Christ and at the same time be proud, he will, of course, be punished. No miracle will save him, of course. But the point is different: that if a person casts out demons in the name of Christ, this does not mean that he really casts them out. This is manifested in the results, as it is said: "By their fruits ye shall know them" (Matt. 7:20).