Daniil Sysoev/Catechetical Conversations/ Library Golden-Ship.ru Priest Daniel Sysoev CATECHETICAL CONVERSATIONS Publishing House of the Church of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, Moscow, 2007   Orthodox Library, Golden Ship, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS On God and the Holy Scriptures On the Commandments of God On the Mystery of the Incarnation of God On Baptism and the Sacraments of the Church On Good and Evil. On the struggle with sin.

For example, how many people give thanks after confession? After confession, how often did you thank God for forgiving your sins? After baptism, did you thank the Creator? There is no way without it. In our country, unfortunately, after confession, it does not occur to anyone to thank God, and yet such a gift! The Lord gave man the forgiveness of sins just like that, for free, and we say: "He must do so, so he must." This is wrong. You have to thank for everything.

Now let's see what does it mean to be Almighty? Various classic questions arise: Can God create a stone that He is unable to lift? But we must remember that the Lord can do whatever He wants, omnipotence is a manifestation of His will, accordingly, it cannot contradict the will. For example, God is incapable of doing evil. But does this limit His omnipotence?

The Lord cannot lie and say stupid things. But does this deny His omnipotence? God is omnipotent precisely because He does whatever He wants. There are things that the Lord can do, but does not want to. For example, He can destroy the universe, but He doesn't want to do it because He is true to His word. There are two ideas about God: He is faceless and He is a Person.

Do you think God is faceless or a Person? Can God say "I" or can't? There is a common misconception that God is some kind of power... There is such a doctrine as pantheism. It says: God is everything, or: He is a cosmic force. An example of this can even be Star Wars, where He is portrayed as a cosmic force. This is a misconception, the faceless God turns out to be lower than the personality of a person, this is complete absurdity, stupidity. Of course, the Lord is a Person.

The main characteristics of personality are mind, feelings, and will. Let us consider the property of the mind of God. We know that the Lord has an omnipotent mind, His mind is so great that He does not need anyone's advice. Who was God's counselor, and who told Him what He should do? "For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who was His counselor?" (Romans 11:34)

This property of the supermind is called wisdom, that is, the superwisdom of God. God is so wise that His thoughts are as far from our thoughts as heaven is from earth. The property of the Lord's supermind is that He is super-wise, and this wisdom is so great that it makes Him incomprehensible. We know that God is incomprehensible, that He cannot be described by human standards, and that His mind does not fit into human standards.

But it is not opposite to them, but relates to them like a straight line with a segment lying on it. It is absurd to think that absolute infinity is limited by something like our knowledge or our notions, although this limited part, which we call truth, is part of God's knowledge. The Lord knows everything that man knows, and infinitely more. Why am I emphasizing this?

Because many people think that God has one knowledge, and we have another. But this is absurd. If we had knowledge other than God's, we could not use this knowledge. Moreover, the very ability to think exists in us because, according to the words of St. John of Kronstadt, we are, as in the air, in the Divine mind. The divine mind gives us the ability to think, gives us an atmosphere for thoughts.

Without this atmosphere of the Great Mind, no one would be able to think, to think at all. The Lord gives everyone life, breath, thought, and reason, and He is truly the Existing, the source of everything. But the process of the Lord's thinking is fundamentally different from ours. How do we obtain information? — Most often from the senses. Or some thought directly comes to mind.

— There are two ways to obtain information. A spiritual entity, such as an angel or a demon, usually puts his thoughts into our head or we receive information from the senses. Then we analyze it, comprehend it and put it into the system of our knowledge. But the Lord has a different process of thinking. God Himself is a simple Being, that is, He does not consist of parts, He is not complex, and therefore His thoughts are simple, He knows everything as it is.

Human thought is often wrong, we sometimes take things for something that is not what they are. Well, the crudest example: when a person is drunk, he sees two doors instead of one. But even in ordinary life, people often evaluate each other not as the image of God, not as a real being with good and evil qualities. They look at the interlocutor as an object from which they can get something.

That is, the attitude is deliberately biased. A person, unfortunately, is now most often unable to see things as they really are. I can say that the more a person sins, the less he is able to see things objectively. For example, I am amazed at how people in the world treat the weather. They often say: rains, oh, what bad weather, rains in Moscow.

But in Moscow there is summer without rain - you can imagine what a nightmare! People are unhappy that it is raining. They are dissatisfied with the rain, the sun, at night, during the day, in summer! What a horror! And why? Because because of sin, we have reached an extreme degree of subjectivity. And this happened because as a result of the Fall, the realm of fantasy arose. — And what is bad about fantasy? "Fantasy is not just fiction.

It is the realm of perverted thoughts, which is so perverted that we cannot see things as they are. There is only one way out – to learn to look at the world from God's point of view. Only in this way can we see the real things – to look at everything through His eyes, united with Him. Saints see things as they are. Even the Bible can be understood only by looking at it through the eyes of the saints. And there is no other way, do you know why?