«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"For the reason," I answered, "that in three days we gratefully celebrate the memory of this exceptional and once-in-a-historical event: the birth of that Child whom, as we have just read, Isaiah the prophet calls 'El-Gibor', 'the Mighty God.'

"About whom, about whom?" Isaac asked, not understanding.

"About the Messiah8, about the Savior of the World," I answered him.

"That babe of whom the prophet is speaking here?" Isaac asked me again.

- History testifies, and 450 million Christians confirm this. Isaiah and all the prophets have told us this.

"I know from the Talmud," Isaac replied in surprise, "that this is the son of the prophet Isaiah.

"Isaiah, you say, Isaac?" Examine for yourself the corresponding passages in the prophet and free yourself from the Talmudic charm and judge for yourself: can this youth, who is called "El-Gibor", that is, "the Mighty God", be the son of the prophet Isaiah?

"I confess sincerely," Isaac suddenly began to say, "that I doubt it. Neither the rabbis nor the Talmud satisfy me properly, it's true... However, what can I say? I need enlightenment from God.

"If you sincerely want to know the truth, brother Isaac, the Lord will enlighten you. Ask for it humbly in simplicity of heart, and it will be given to you. For in the Gospel the Messiah-Christ says: "No one comes to Me except the Father draws him." (The Gospel of John, Chapter 6, verse 44).

"My doubts are in the 3rd verse of the 8th chapter of the prophet Isaiah," said Isaac. And taking the Hebrew text of the Holy Scriptures, he began to translate the following: "And I came to the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a son"...

"This," cried Isaac, "this Son, this Lad... Then I said to him: "Let's finish reading the entire 3rd verse and then draw conclusions." So, continuing the reading, Isaac began to translate: "And the Lord said to me, Call his name Maher-shelal-hash-baz."

- What is the name of the Boy of Isaiah? I asked Isaac again.

"Maher-shelal-hash-baz," he answered.

"Who gave him, who gave him his name?" I asked him again.