«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"So what is it that troubles you in this verse, friend Isaac?" I asked him.

Isaac told me that he had learned from the rabbis, as well as by studying the Talmud, that the meaning of the word alma was different and meant a young woman, not a virgin at all. For in the Hebrew language the Virgin or maiden is expressed by the word Betulah.

- So you learned from the rabbis and in the Talmud? I asked Isaac. - And if many places in the Old Testament (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim) testify to us that the word Alma means a virgin or a maiden who does not know a husband, however, as well as the word Betulah, what will you say then?

- I will say that the Truth is found among Christians, but the heart of Israel is hardened and as if petrified. I will say that you are the true children of Abraham, the true faithful, the true Israel, and we...

"Listen, Isaac," I interrupted, "you only have to accept with all your heart that the word alma means Virgin, and only Virgin, and not a young woman, and is synonymous with the word Betula. You know very well that the word Alma comes from the verb Alam, which means to grow to manhood, to reach puberty. Therefore, alma means a girl, a maiden.

Then I asked Isaac:

- Who were the 70 interpreters who translated from Hebrew into Greek all the books of the Old Testament around 285 B.C.? Christians or Jews?

- Of course, Jews! Isaac answered.

- Did they know their Hebrew language well? What do you think?

"Of course, they knew Hebrew and Greek perfectly, for they translated from one language into another," Isaac answered.

"How did they translate the word Alma?" I asked him. We opened the text of the seventy interpreters and read:

"Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son," etc.

"You see, the word Alma is translated by the word Virgin. Were the translators interested in distorting the text?

- Of course not! my friend exclaimed, for there were Jews and remained faithful to the original source. However, you promised to show me various passages in the Old Testament where the word alma is synonymous with betula.