«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"You see, Samuel, 'he who believes in Him is not judged.' But in order to dispel all your doubts, I will remind you of the significant words of the Apostle Paul, who before his conversion was a cruel persecutor of Christians and was called Saul (or Saul). In his letter to Timothy, he testifies, "I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he hath counted me faithful, having appointed me to the ministry. I, who formerly was a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and an offender, but was pardoned because I did so in ignorance, in unbelief; But the grace of our Lord (Jesus Christ) was revealed in me abundantly with faith and love in Christ Jesus. It is true and worthy of all acceptance that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first. But for this reason I have received mercy, that Jesus Christ in me first may show all patience, as an example to those who believe in Him unto eternal life" (1 Tim., chapter 1, verses 12-16). Convincingly? I asked Rabbi Samuel.

He did not answer, but looked at me, shedding tears of tenderness...

- Listen, dear Rebbe, listen to the last amazing story from the life of the Apostle Paul. When he, together with the other Apostle Silas, was put in prison in the city of Philippi, the jailer received orders to keep a close watch on them. About midnight, Paul and Silas, praying, sang praises to God; and the prisoners listened to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundation of the prison was shaken; immediately all the doors were opened, and the bonds of all were loosened. The jailer, however, awoke and saw that the prison doors were open, drew his sword and wanted to kill himself, thinking that the prisoners had escaped. But Paul cried out with a loud voice, saying, Do no harm to yourself, for we are all here. He demanded fire, ran into the prison, and fell down in trembling before Paul and Silas. And having brought them out, he said, My lords! What should I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and all thy household. And they preached the word of the Lord to him, and to all who were in his house. And having taken them at that hour of the night, he washed their wounds, and immediately he was baptized himself and all his household" (Acts, chapter 16, verses 25-33).

"That's enough, Brother Isaac, that's enough," Samuel said, "I don't need any more proof that the Messiah has come. My heart bears witness to me of this... There is no need for other testimonies of the Holy Scriptures to convince us that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, that Jesus Christ is the true El Gibor, Emmanuel, the true Messiah, whom our unfaithful people are waiting for in vain... I feel it. I believe and confess that He is my Savior, my Messiah, Christ. I am a follower of the Messiah, a Christian! I will be a Christian! I will die a Christian! About! Thank Thee, O my God, thank Thee, for Thou hast opened my eyes to behold the Truth, glory to Thee! From now on, I will preach Your Truth everywhere...

It is difficult to describe the joy of Brother Samuel, he kissed my hands, called me his savior, because through me he came to know the Truth. In a word, Nicholas, he experienced the same thing as I did in Corinth, where, with your help, he came to know the Messiah.

I am now making an effort to teach Brother Samuel to believe in the Lord. We study the New Testament together in Hebrew and Greek. Yesterday I visited Greek bookstores in Galata and bought John Chrysostom's discourses on the four Gospels and Epistles. These are amazing books, what spiritual power and height they have! One might think that this second saint Paul...

Samuel devotes a lot of time to prayer... He repeatedly asked me to tell you about you, brother Nicholas, because he learned that you appeared to me as a companion angel, leading me to the Messiah-Christ. I convey to you in a letter his fraternal kiss. So I am approaching the end of this long epistle... What are we going to do?.. I believe that the Lord will enlighten us. You will find out about this in subsequent letters. I thank God, who gave me a brother in faith. I'm not alone now... We are two rabbis who have become Christians. Our clothes and the covering of our heads are like those of all Jewish rabbis. And the heart?.. The Christian heart.

Samuel decided to begin the interpretation of the 53rd chapter of the prophet Isaiah in the Sabbath meetings in our synagogue in the near future. Moreover, he wants to build his conversations in the form of a dialogue, and in the end to reveal his true faith and conviction that Christ is the true Messiah, he is sure that many parishioners will follow him if I support him. I think that's not a bad idea. We will pray and believe that the Lord will reveal His will to us.

Rejoice, brother Nicholas! We ask you to pray for us. Convey your best wishes to your family.

С любовью о Господе твой во Христе брат Исаак. М.

Меня поразила глубина, с какою он сумел постигнуть прикровенные тайны Божий и облечь их в удивительную гармонию Единого Откровения. Видно, Сам Господь отверз ему ум к уразумению Писаний! Я не мог не возрадоваться и о заблудших овцах дома Израилева, которые в лице моего друга получали дивную возможность вернуться к их Небесному Отцу, Который и сейчас Себе ищет поклонников "в Духе и Истине". Ибо Он Сам открыл Божественному Павлу, что"ожесточение во Израиле произошло до времени", и что придет час, когда снимется покрывало с их помраченных глаз и они с любовию воззрят на Того, Его же некогда распяли их обезумевшие предки. Это письмо было подобно для нас масличной ветви, которую принес голубь в Ноев Ковчег, извещая, что уже отошли воды Потопа и снова явится жизнь на земле.

Молчание Исаака

Прошло много-много месяцев после получения этого письма, а обещанное третье так и не приходило. Я не имел его адреса, куда написать, дабы услышать хоть что-нибудь о пропавшем друге. Что случилось с ним? Куда он пропал? Не расправились ли с ним фанатичные иудеи? Ведь и Сам Господь страдал от них и предсказывал, что "Меня изгнали и вас исжденут, и что приходит час, когда всякий, убивающий вас, будет думать, что этим служит Богу" (от Иоанна, гл.15, ст.20 и гл.16, ст.2). Много скорбных мыслей терзало меня, я желал узнать правду, но узнал ее позже - и не посредством письма. Бог, избавивый из челюсти льва пророка Даниила и сохранивый трех отроков в печи Вавилонской, Бог, спасший апостола Петра от злобы Ирода, Бог сохранил и моего дорогого друга, о чем я и поведаю тебе теперь, мой читатель.