«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"Where are we going, father?" - I did not calm down.

"You'll find out when we arrive." Do not forget that in a few days there will be the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

And indeed, that day was August 10.

We boarded a steamer and sailed to Galata, from where another ship we needed was departing. It was an Austrian steamer that took us to Vraylan, from where we arrived by rail to the capital of Romania - Bucharest. We spent the night in an inn, and on the morning of August 15, Father Grigenty brought me to the church, where my friend Isaac was now serving.

This church was located a three-hour drive from Bucharest, in one of the beautiful villages. We drove up just at the moment when people were going to church. Men, women, and children with candles in their hands entered behind the vast fence, behind which there was a wonderful garden. Behind the trees I saw a dome topped with a wooden Cross.

"Over there, see? - the elder pointed out to me with his hand, - this is the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God. Isaac is now serving here.

Father Grigenty joyfully crossed himself, singing the Archangelic greeting: "O Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice. Blessed Mary, the Lord is with Thee"...

So, we entered the temple and - oh, miracle! - I was immediately struck by the extraordinary appearance of the interior decoration! It was a church, one of a kind! Above the cross, which crowned the Iconostasis, was written in large Hebrew letters: "Yeshua a Mashiach Natsrof Malhegi Gehuda", that is, "Jesus is the Messiah of Nazareth King of the Jews".

Below are the same words in Greek and Roman. There were special inscriptions around the icons. Thus, around the icon of Christ were written the words from the first chapter of the Gospel of John: "We have found Him of Whom Moses wrote in the law and the prophets, Jesus..." (Chapter 1, Article 45).

In addition to the icons of famous Saints, the icons of the forefathers stood out: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as well as the Prophet David and all other prophets. Above the icon of the Most Pure Virgin Mary stood out an inscription inscribed in large letters: "Alma, Asher Haza Yesha Yahu", that is, "The Virgin foreseen by the Prophet Isaiah". It was so unusual for other Orthodox churches! My guide, Elder Grigentius, pointed me to the very top, where there was an inscription written in Greek: "Of the Jews, the Christian Church

It was as if I were in a dream, in the distant apostolic antiquity, when the first churches were built from Jewish Christians. The clothes of the parishioners themselves were special, such as the Jews of the East usually wear. All this struck me to the depths of my soul. But then the Royal Doors opened and a young deacon came out of them and, standing before them, loudly and impressively exclaimed in pure Hebrew:

"Bless, Vladyka!"

Then a majestic exclamation was heard from the altar: "Baruch ata Elochenu...", that is, "Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, always now and ever, and unto the ages of ages!" I couldn't believe my ears! My god! After all, yesterday he was still a rabbi, and today he is already an Orthodox priest and serves the Divine Liturgy! Isn't this a miracle happening before our eyes! Faith, our faith, in the words of the Apostle John the Theologian, conquers the world! I was struck by the reverence and fear of God with which the people prayed. There were two choirs, one sang in Hebrew, the other in Greek, and they harmoniously complemented each other. The Liturgy proceeded in the usual order, as is customary in the Orthodox Church. I watched everything attentively and rejoiced when I saw my friend Isaac, who was now called Father John Chrysostom. When he left the altar and was heading for the ambo, he suddenly saw me. With joy, unable to restrain himself, he exclaimed: "Nicholas! Brother Nicholas!" and rushed to hug me! Everyone turned their eyes in our direction. I kissed his right hand with great love. I confess that I have never kissed the hand of anyone in my life with such reverence as this man! For he was truly a man who had become a real Christian..

Father John ascended the ambo, filled with living faith and love for people. Raising his eyes to heaven, as if asking for blessing and help from above, he began a sermon explaining the passage from the Holy Gospel of Luke, which is usually read on the feasts of the Mother of God: "Martha, Martha, take care and pray for many. And there is only one thing that is required. And Mary chose the good part, which shall not be taken away from her..."11