«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"I didn't want to bother you," he replied, apologizing, and accepted my invitation.

I did my best to alleviate his suffering, following the example of the Good Samaritan in the touching parable told by the Lord in the Gospel (Luke 10:33). He took care of him according to the commandment, and from that day Isaac's health began to improve.

Chapter IX of the Prophet Isaiah. About El Gibor

It was the Sunday before the Nativity of Christ. Isaac had already recovered completely, and was preparing to leave the next day. According to our family tradition, we read the Bible every day, and on that day fell the reading of the 9th chapter of the prophet Isaiah. Isaac asked permission to participate and read the prophet's words in Hebrew and then in Greek with commentary. We agreed with joy. Our friend, taking the Hebrew text, began reading the 9th chapter of Isaiah. "Gesa-ya-he, ki yeled yulad lanu ben nitan lanu watechi khamisra alshihmo vayikra shemo pele yoetz El-Gibor avi ad sar Shalom," and he himself translated it into Greek. (Of course, we are in Russian.):

"For unto us a child is born; The Son is given to us; His dominion is upon His shoulders, and they shall call His Name the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Father of the Age to come, the Ruler of the World."

-Strangely! Isaac said, finishing the translation of this passage from the Hebrew text. - What infant does the prophet testify to here? And what is the reason that you are reading this chapter today?

"For the reason," I answered, "that in three days we gratefully celebrate the memory of this exceptional and once-in-a-historical event: the birth of that Child whom, as we have just read, Isaiah the prophet calls 'El-Gibor', 'the Mighty God.'

"About whom, about whom?" Isaac asked, not understanding.

"About the Messiah8, about the Savior of the World," I answered him.

"That babe of whom the prophet is speaking here?" Isaac asked me again.

- History testifies, and 450 million Christians confirm this. Isaiah and all the prophets have told us this.

"I know from the Talmud," Isaac replied in surprise, "that this is the son of the prophet Isaiah.

"Isaiah, you say, Isaac?" Examine for yourself the corresponding passages in the prophet and free yourself from the Talmudic charm and judge for yourself: can this youth, who is called "El-Gibor", that is, "the Mighty God", be the son of the prophet Isaiah?