Daniil Sysoev /Islam. Orthodox View/ Library Golden-Ship.ru Daniil Sysoev Islam. Orthodox View Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012

The book contains three chapters: 1. On Islam; 2. About Muhammad; 3. Answers to questions, as well as the biography of Fr. Daniel and "The Primatial Sermon of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia after the funeral of Priest Daniel Sysoev". Each of the chapters reveals not only the basic concepts of the Muslim faith, but also shows the salvific differences of the Christian confession. Despite the fact that fr.

Daniel always spoke in a reasoned and balanced manner, supporting his arguments with quotes from sources, not all modern religious scholars fully agree with his conclusions. Daniil Sysoev's speeches served as a reason for discussion among Orthodox theologians as well.

Fr. Daniel was distinguished by his originality of thought and creative activity. He had the gift of a true preacher and missionary, which opened to his listeners the only way leading to true joy in a world of great sorrow—the path to Christ. We hope that the living word of Fr. Daniel will become a help and support for many who are searching for the true meaning of man's earthly path. Blessed memory to him.

Forgive us, dear readers, for possible omissions. About Islam

Today we will not talk about Islam as such. And this topic, of course, will need to be touched upon, because very many people do not know what Islam is at all, they know something about traditional religion, only about good things... We will talk about this as well, but we will also talk about the special trends and forms that exist now, because many people, not understanding the real state of affairs, begin to say: "Why, Muslims commit terrorist acts, they are all terrorists there," or vice versa: "None of them is a terrorist, because this particular Muslim does not commit terrorist acts."

And this is due to the fact that people do not know what is the internal structure of the Islamic community, which is called "ummah" in Arabic[1]. We can evaluate this religious trend from the point of view of the Lord God.

Why do I speak from the point of view of the Lord God? Because we, Christians, try not to have our own point of view at all. It is not very interesting. As one English writer said, "You can have hundreds of thousands of points of view until you find the truth. Then there will be one point of view, the true one."

First of all, we must say what Islam is as such. Very often, when people talk about Islam, they start talking about it as a religion. The word "religion" means a religious organization, a church or a sect, a religious organization where people gather to pray and solve some spiritual issues.

In fact, this is not entirely true. Islam in this sense is quite far from religion in our traditional view. This is very important to remember, because in our country a conversation often becomes a conversation between two deaf people. When we talk to Muslims, Muslims tell us one thing, we tell them another. And we cannot understand each other, if only because we put completely different concepts into the same words.

Recently, I received another proposal from a kind man to convert to Islam, and an explanation of why this person himself converted to Islam and why this is the true faith. This man explained to me that Islam is the true faith because Muslims do not drink, do not take drugs, all their girls are virgins, debauchery is not allowed, and therefore Islam is a very good religion, the only hope for all progressive humanity.

Although this, in fact, is not true, at least because 80% of heroin, excuse me, is grown in Islamic countries... But the essence is that a person perceives religion as a kind of project of earthly order. And this, by the way, is a very bright line. If we visit Islamic Internet sites – islam.ru, for example, or koran.ru – we will notice that the overwhelming majority of the materials that are presented there are materials on how to arrange life: materials about oriental cuisine, oriental bazaar; what are the norms of Sharia on the length of the beard; Sharia norms about the length of underpants or whatever, that's the kind of thing!

That is, this is a kind of attempt at a global world order based on the authority of God. In this sense, Islam can be compared not with the church, Orthodox or Catholic, but with such projects as National Socialist, Communist construction, and current globalization. It is precisely the project of creating a certain kingdom of God on Earth by earthly means under the protection of the Lord God.

Moreover, for a Muslim, the separation between religion and politics is inconceivable in principle. This is very important to understand, this is the feature that is a characteristic feature of Islam as such. We can imagine an Orthodox living in America, for example, among the Papuans of New Guinea, among the same Islam. That is, Orthodoxy as such, encompassing the entire life of a person, assumes that a person can coexist with a certain foreign order.

Moreover, for the Orthodox, this state is normal, because we know that the Kingdom of Christ is "not of this world," as our Lord said. Therefore, an Orthodox Christian can remain Orthodox, even in an anti-Christian situation. That is, for us, of course, it is not normal that this situation exists, but, alas, it is, apparently, a necessary evil until the end of the world.