Daniil Sysoev /Islam. Orthodox View/ Library Golden-Ship.ru Daniil Sysoev Islam. Orthodox View Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012

On the one hand, a person can do any deed, for example, commit a terrorist attack, and believe that this is a good deed. Why? For Allah made it through him. But at the same time, he knows that he cannot expect help from Allah. Why can't he? Because Allah does everything himself, and you cannot ask him, because you are a puppet. That is, you only have a small piece of choice.

Omar Khayyam says well on this topic: "A player does not ask the ball for consent, he rushes around the field, driven by blows"[3]. In the same way, we rush across the field of this world, driven by the blows of Allah. There is a very strange attempt to build the Kingdom of God on Earth without God, which really makes Islam look like communism or National Socialism.

By the way, it is interesting that the countries of Islam very easily accepted socialism. A lot of today's Islamic states are socialist. Syria, Iraq until recently, when Saddam Hussein was there. A lot of Islamic countries cooperated with the Soviet Union. They cooperated not because they gave weapons there, but because there was really a certain commonality of ideology.

It is necessary to say what Islam is.

From the point of view of Islam, the whole earth is divided into two parts: the land of peace and the land of war. The land of peace is the land where Sharia law applies[6]. These countries are the land of peace, in which all people obey the laws of Allah, and those who disobey occupy a certain niche. That is, according to the Shari'ah and the Qur'an[7], on which the Shari'a is based, all non-believers are divided into two categories: polytheists and people of the Book.

Polytheists are people who do not recognize the authority of the Holy Scriptures, who do not worship the Creator God, for example: atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, shamanists, you name it. They are subject to forced conversion to Islam or the death penalty, there is no third option for them. The People of the Book—listed in the Qur'an as Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians—have a right to exist.

They are given the honorable right to live on the condition that they do not oppose Islam, do not criticize Islam, do not preach and at the same time pay a number of taxes - jizya[8] (tax on faith) and at the same time have certain restrictions: Christians were obliged to wear crosses on their backs, live in houses no higher than one floor, and did not have the right to ride a horse.

There were a number of other restrictions related to their lives.

Jizya was usually from 80% of the income. At the same time, of course, a Christian, being a second-class citizen, was subjected to certain oppression, but still his life was guaranteed. This must be admitted for the sake of objectivity, and it cannot be said that Islam demands the destruction of all Christians, it would not be entirely correct.

At the same time, the transition of a person to Islam is encouraged in every possible way. Taking into account the fact that human freedom is not very valued by Islam because of the doctrinal provisions (we will talk about them now), it follows that any person, his freedom can be easily broken. As it is said in the Qur'an: "To Him (Allah – Ed.) those who are in heaven and on earth have given themselves up voluntarily and involuntarily, and to Him you will be returned"[9].

"Involuntarily" means lack of freedom, captivity, slavery. And because of this, there are a number of such terrible statements, for example: if a Christian in the presence of two Muslims expresses a desire to become a Muslim, he is considered a Muslim, and any attempt to refuse to do so then leads to the death penalty. Because leaving Islam is punishable by death or life imprisonment.

But usually no one uses life imprisonment, the rarest cases were when life imprisonment was used. The death penalty was most often used, and is still used. The most recent example of the death penalty for converting to Christianity was in 2005 in Saudi Arabia, when a Christian from the Philippines was executed. In Yemen in 2004, the execution of George, who converted to Orthodoxy, took place.

These are the norms that are still in force in Sharia countries.

The second part of the territory of our planet is the land of war. The land of war is divided into two parts: the land of jihad and the land of truce. The land of war is a land where Sharia law does not apply, that is, the entire society that is not built according to these norms. And it is called the land of war because this territory should be converted to Islam. For this purpose, the practice of Holy War – jihad[10] is assumed, which has several forms.