Orthodoxy and modernity. Electronic library.




© SEI Center, supplement to the magazine "Tribuna". Moscow, 1991.


From publishers

Chapter I. Introduction. Theology and Mysticism in the Tradition of the Eastern Church

Chapter II: Divine Darkness

Chapter III: God the Trinity

Chapter IV: Uncreated Energies

Chapter V. Created Being

Chapter VI: Image and Likeness

Chapter VII: The Dispensation of the Son

Chapter VIII: The Economy of the Holy Spirit

Chapter IX: The Two Aspects of the Church

Chapter X: The Path of Connection

Chapter XI: The Divine Light

Chapter XII: Conclusion. The Feast of the Kingdom


From publishers

Before speaking about the theological works offered to the readers, we would like to mention, albeit very briefly, the main events of the life of their author.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Lossky was born on the Day of the Holy Spirit, May 25, 1903, in St. Petersburg, in the family of a famous philosopher. From his youth, his interest in the history of philosophy, patristics and the Western Middle Ages was determined. In 1920, he entered Petrograd University, but in 1922 he was forced to emigrate with his family. At first, V. Lossky lived in Prague, where he studied at the seminar of N.P. Kondakov, the famous Byzantine scholar and art historian, and then moved to Paris. For several years he studied and taught medieval history and philosophy, but by the end of the 1920s all his attention was focused on theological and ecclesiastical problems.

In 1928, he became a member of the Orthodox Brotherhood named after St. Patriarch Photius, established in Paris at the Three Hierarchs Metochion (a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church) for the establishment of Orthodoxy in France. From that time on, V. Lossky became an active defender of the canonical unity of the Russian Church; his theological works began to appear.