Daniil Sysoev /Commentary on the Apocalypse/ Library Golden-Ship.ru Priest Daniel Sysoev Commentary on the Apocalypse   Ed. Golden-Ship.ru 2012     Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniel Sysoev" Moscow, 2011 Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church IS11-108-0823 Executive editor — Nina Krivko Proofreader — Galina Digtyarenko Layout — Ruslan Nabiev Cover, title page — Igor Ermolaev For many people, the Apocalypse is about catastrophes and terrible events, the advent of the Antichrist, natural disasters, wars and the end of the world.

The quadrangular shape of the altar symbolically depicts that sacrifice is offered on it for all four cardinal directions, that all the ends of the earth are called to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. A stadia is a measure of length equal to 185 m. 12,000 stadia are 2,220,000 meters, or 2,220 kilometers. That is, the heavenly city, the new Jerusalem, is a cube with an edge of 2,220 kilometers.

It is important to remember that the city is not the only place to dwell in eternity: some will live in a returned paradise, some in heaven, and the city will become the center, the capital of the universe. "And he measured his wall a hundred and forty-four cubits, with the measure of a man, as is the measure of an angel. Its wall was built of jasper, and the city was of pure gold, like pure glass.

The foundations of the wall of the city are adorned with all kinds of precious stones: the first base is jasper, the second is sapphire, the third is chalcedon, the fourth is smaragdus, the fifth is sardonyx, the sixth is carnelian, the seventh is chrysolite, the eighth is virilla, the ninth is topaz, the tenth is chrysopras, the eleventh is hyacinth, the twelfth is amethyst" (Rev. 21:17-20). What is the height of 144 cubits? Since it is indicated that the Angel's measure coincides with the human measure, we can use an approximate figure of half a meter.

It turns out that the height of the wall at 309   measured by 72 meters. Why 144 cubits? This is twelve squared – a symbolic designation of the fullness of the twelve apostles saved through the preaching. Numerical expressions are also used to denote the perfection, firmness and symmetry of the integral edifice of the Church of God.

Here is an interesting observation: the angel measured the walls with the measure of a cubit. This means that this is a human measure, on the one hand, and an angel's measure, on the other. This speaks of both the originality and similarity of the man and the Angel. Both man and angel are created in the image of God, although man is in one respect greater than the angel in the other. Their thinking is similar. Therefore, the indication that they have a common measure speaks of the presence of a certain similarity between people and the Angels.

The walls of the city are built of green crystalline jasper. The city is pure gold, it is like pure glass, because its inhabitants are bright and pure. The base of its wall is decorated with all kinds of precious stones. The first base is jasper, that is, jasper, a green transparent crystal. The second base is a sky-blue sapphire. The third is a translucent multi-colored chalcedon (chalcedony). The fourth base is smaragd (emerald).

The fifth is the sardonyx stone, with a silky sheen and brown, black and white thin stripes. The sixth is orange and red-orange carnelian. The seventh is golden-green chrysolite. The eighth base is greenish, golden, pink, crimson transparent virilles (beryls). The ninth base is white, light blue, yellowish, wine-yellow, pink topaz.

The tenth is translucent bluish-green and green chrysopras (chrysoprase). The eleventh is a transparent red hyacinth. And the twelfth base is purple amethyst. 310   "And the twelve gates are twelve pearls: each gate was of one pearl. The street of the city is pure gold, like transparent glass" (Rev. 21:21).

The prophet Isaiah has a similar description: "I will put your stones on a ruby, and I will make your foundation of sapphires" (Isa. 54, 11). And the prophet Moses said that God would lay the foundation of the city on diamonds, sapphires and rubies. Why on these materials? The fact is that when God revealed to Moses the details of the structure of the New Jerusalem, he, in particular, ordered to make sacred vestments for the high priest.

And one of the main elements of this vestment was the so-called confidante – a square scarf worn on the chest, with twelve precious stones. Here is how it is said in the Scriptures: "Make the breastplate of judgment with skillful work; Thou shalt make it the same work as the ephod: of gold, of blue, purple, and scarlet [wool], and of fine woven linen, thou shalt make it; it must be quadrangular, double, a span long and a span wide; and thou shalt put in it the set stones in four rows; Next to it: ruby, topaz, emerald — this is one row; second row: carbuncle, sapphire and diamond; third row: yakhont, agate and amethyst; fourth row: chrysolite, onyx and jasper; they must be inserted in the golden sockets.

These stones shall be twelve, according to the number of the children of Israel, according to their names [and their births]; on each, as on a seal, one name from among the twelve tribes should be carved. For the breastplate make chains of woven and woven work of pure gold; and thou shalt make two rings of gold to the breastplate, and fasten the two rings to the two ends of the breastplate; And in the day two braided chains of gold in both rings at the ends of the breastplate, and the two ends of the two chains shall be fastened to the two sockets, and fastened to the shoulder plates of the ephod on the front of it. And thou shalt also make two rings of gold, and fasten them to the two ends of the breastplate, on the side which is 311   it lies to the ephod within; And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and fasten them to the two shoulders of the ephod from below, on the front of it, at the junction thereof, above the girdle of the ephod. And they shall fasten the breastplate with the rings thereof to the rings of the ephod with a cord of blue wool, that it may be over the girdle of the ephod, and that the breastplate may not fall from the ephod.

And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel on the breastplate of judgment near his heart, when he shall enter into the sanctuary, for a constant remembrance before the Lord. [And put twisted chains on the breastplate of judgment, put them at both ends of the breastplate, and put both sockets on both shoulders on the shoulder on the shoulder from the face.] On the breastplate of judgment thou shalt put the Urim and Thummim, and they shall be in Aaron's heart when he enters before the Lord. and Aaron shall always bear the judgment of the children of Israel in his heart before the Lord" (Isaiah 28:15-30).

Why is the breastplate called judgmental? The well-known theologian D. V. Shchedrovitsky in his book "Introduction to the Old Testament" answers this question as follows: "The Urim and Thummim, a mysterious device connected with the twelve stones in the breastplate and not described in detail in the Bible, gave the high priest the opportunity to directly question the Lord about His will in relation to the people and to receive direct answers to specific questions that gave "perfect light."

Answers were given through the jewels of the breastplate. Collectively, the names of the twelve tribes of Israel contain all 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The letters were used to form the words of the answer. At the same time, on each stone, the name of the corresponding knee was written in a circle, each letter was written on a separate facet, and each face was covered with a separate movable gold "petal" of the setting.