Tolkovyy pravoslavnyy molomolog/ Biblioteka   Tolkovyy pravoslavnyj molosokol   Po blavrezheniy Vysoreiniego Tikhon, Bishop of Novosibirsk and Tomsk   © Izdannoe prihodnym v po imeni Prepodvennogo Seraphima Sarovskoj Eparchii vmestoy s izd-vom "Russkaya beseda", 1995. © Library of the Omega Web Center. Red. Golden-Ship.

Two bent fingers show our faith that in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, there are two natures, Divine and human. By depicting the cross on ourselves with folded fingers, we show that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, Who was crucified on the cross. Why do we bless the forehead, chest and shoulders with the cross? For the enlightenment of the mind, heart and for the strengthening of strength.   2.

Initial     prayers In Russian: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. [1]   In the name - in honor, in glory. Amen - truly, truly.   Who is meant by the words: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit? The Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. We believe that God is one, but in Him there are three persons: the 1st person of the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is God the Father, the 2nd person is God the Son, the 3rd person is God the Holy Spirit. To these three persons of the Holy Spirit.

The Trinity has the same authority, honor, and worship. Why is it said here: in the name, and not in the name? As a sign that God, although there are three persons in Him, is essentially only one. Why is the word Amen added? As a sign that everything that we read in the prayer is true. When should this prayer be said? Before every good deed, because we must do everything in honor and glory of the three persons of the Holy Trinity.

  The Publican's       Prayer In Russian: Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.   Be - be.   Whose prayer is this? This prayer is of the publican (tax collector), who repented of his sins and received forgiveness, as is evident from the parable of the publican and the Pharisee (Luke 18:10-14). What do we ask of God in this prayer?

We ask God to be merciful to us sinners, that is, to forgive us our sins and not punish us for them. When should we say this prayer? We need to say it as often as we sin often. As soon as we sin, we must immediately repent of our sin before God and say this prayer.   Prayer to Jesus Christ, Son of       God In Russian: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us (show mercy to us). Amen.   Radi - for, by. For the sake of prayers - through prayers.   To whom is this prayer? To Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Who is Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, our Saviour[2]. What do we ask of the Lord in this prayer? We ask that God, through the prayers of the saints, have mercy on us, that is, be merciful to us and forgive our sins. Who is the Most Pure Mother of the Lord? The Most Holy Virgin Mary, chosen for the special holiness of her life as the Mother of the Son of God, when He, eternally living as God, wanted to appear on earth as a man for the salvation of people[3]. Who are the saints?

Saints are people who lived on earth piously and are now in heaven together with God and pray to Him for us. Such, for example, are the prophets, apostles, saints, martyrs, and others. Through their prayers, and especially through the prayers of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, God has mercy on us. When is this prayer pronounced? This prayer, like the prayer of the publican, should be in the mind and heart of a Christian as often as possible, because, constantly sinning before God, they must constantly turn to Him with a request for mercy. Note.

This prayer is pronounced shorter: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, or even shorter: Lord, have mercy! In the last abbreviated version, it is pronounced in church, during the service, often up to 40 times continuously.   Little       Doxology In Russian: Glory to Thee, our God. Glory to You.   What kind of prayer is this? Laudatory.

With it we express reverence for God as the most perfect being, and begin a series of other prayers. Note. This prayer is pronounced in short: Glory to God. In this abbreviated form, we say a prayer when we finish some good deed, for example, study, work; when we receive some good news, etc.   Prayer to the Holy Spirit       in Russian: Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Giver of all good and life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all impurity, and save, O Merciful One, our souls.   To the soul is the spirit. To the soul of truth is the spirit of truth. Izh - which. This is the one that exists, abides. Do all things, fill all things.

Treasure is a repository of something, a source. Good - good. Enter us - dwell in us. Filth is a sin.   To whom is this prayer? To the 3rd Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Where does this prayer come from? This prayer is taken from church hymns on the feast of Pentecost (on Trinity Day), on which we remember the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. How the descent of the Holy Spirit took place. The Spirit upon the Apostles?

The Apostles, disciples of Jesus Christ, loved their Teacher with all their hearts, and therefore they were greatly saddened when they heard from Him that He had to be separated from them (apparently). For their consolation, the Lord promised to send them the Holy Scriptures. Spirit. Indeed, on the 10th day after His Ascension into Heaven, when the Apostles were in the same upper room with other believers, the Lord sent them the Holy Spirit. Spirit. Around 9 a.m. (according to our count)

suddenly there was a great noise from heaven and filled the upper room in which they were. The Holy Spirit descended upon them in the form of tongues of fire, and the apostles suddenly changed in their souls. Everything that seemed to them from the teaching of Christ not clear, dark, everything became clear, understandable; all perplexities, impure feelings that could have been in them, disappeared. They felt joy and consolation in themselves. Enlightened by St.

By the Spirit, they began to glorify the greatness of God in various languages, which they had not known before, and to preach the teaching of Christ to all nations. What do we ask of the Holy Spirit in prayer: O Heavenly King? We ask that He enter into us, cleanse us from all sins, and thereby deliver us from eternal punishment for sins. Who is called in this prayer the King of Heaven, the Comforter, the Spirit of truth? God is the Holy Spirit. Why is He called King?

Because He, like God the Father and God the Son, reigns over the whole world, over the entire universe, and governs it. Why is the Holy Spirit called the King of Heaven? Because He lives in heaven. Although He is everywhere, there is His special and glorious presence in heaven. Why is He called the Comforter? For He, as He comforted the Apostles in His time, so He comforts us in our sorrows and misfortunes[4]. Why is He called the Spirit of truth?