Tolkovyy pravoslavnyy molomolog/ Biblioteka   Tolkovyy pravoslavnyj molosokol   Po blavrezheniy Vysoreiniego Tikhon, Bishop of Novosibirsk and Tomsk   © Izdannoe prihodnym v po imeni Prepodvennogo Seraphima Sarovskoj Eparchii vmestoy s izd-vom "Russkaya beseda", 1995. © Library of the Omega Web Center. Red. Golden-Ship.

  This commandment prohibits adultery, or criminal carnal love between a man and a woman. The same commandment forbids everything that inclines to this sin, for example, immoderate eating, drunkenness, shameless songs, reading bad books, and the like. What should be done in order not to violate this commandment? Those who live in marriage need to be faithful to each other, and the rest need to lead a chaste life.

  The Eighth Commandment of God   This commandment prohibits theft, i.e. taking someone else's property in any illegal way. For example, the one who steals[11], robs, withholds the wages of the worker sins against this commandment; who receive payment for work, but do not work; Whoever takes someone else's by deception, cunning, for example, gives away a bad commodity instead of a good one, by means of an incorrect weight or measure, does not finish what is sold. (

Gehazi, a servant of the prophet Elisha, deceived the Syrian commander Naaman for some money and clothing in the name of this prophet; for this transgression he was stricken with leprosy, which had previously been on Naaman.) What should one be in order not to sin against the eighth commandment? You need to be hardworking, selfless, merciful, truthful.   The Ninth Commandment of God   Thou shalt not obey – thou shalt not testify, thou shalt not bring it to the ears, thou shalt not speak. On your friend - on another person. The testimony is a denunciation.

  This commandment forbids false testimony and any lie in general. Those who sin against this commandment, for example, are those who bear false witness in court; who falsely complain about another (false witnesses said of Jesus that He wanted to destroy the temple of God and build it in three days (Matt. 26:60-62).

; who say insulting words about their neighbor to their eyes and behind their eyes; who mock and condemn. What should we think about false testimony under oath? This is a great sin against both the ninth and third commandments of God. What is needed in order not to sin against the ninth commandment of God? One must always speak the truth and restrain one's tongue from evil speech (1 Pet. 3:10).

  The Tenth Commandment of God   Sincere - close to the heart, beloved. The village is a field. Ox - bull. Yelika - what.   This commandment forbids not only to do evil to one's neighbor, but also to wish him evil. A sin against this commandment is called envy. What duties are therefore prescribed to us by this commandment? We must be content and grateful for what God has given us, and benevolent towards our neighbor[12].   10.

Troparia of the Twelve Great Feasts[13] (in the order of the church year, beginning with the month of September)   Troparion of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (Feast of September 8)       In Russian: Thy birth, O Virgin Mother of God, has proclaimed the joy of the whole universe (to the entire inhabited world); for from Thee shone forth the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God; having destroyed the curse, He gave us a blessing and, having cast down death, gave us eternal life.

  An oath is a curse, God's punishment for sins. Having abolished - weakened, deposed.   What does this troparion say? That the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos made people happy; because Jesus Christ was born of Her, Who abolished curse and death and gave us eternal blessed life. Why is Jesus Christ called the Sun of Righteousness?

Because He, like the sun that illuminates the earth, enlightens every person with the light of true faith.   Troparion of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (Feast of September 14)     Troparion of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple (Feast of November 21)       In Russian: Now is the day of benevolence (to us)

Божия и предвестия о спасении людей: Дева торжественно является в храме Божием и предвозвещает всем о Христе. К Ней и взываем мы во весь голос: радуйся, исполнение промышления о нас Создателя.   Предображение - предвестие. Велегласно - громко, торжественно. Смотрение - промышление. Зиждитель - создатель.   В этом тропаре говорится о том, что явление в храм Девы Марии (

избранной быть Матерью нашего Господа и Спасителя) предвозвещает людям спасение.   Тропарь Рождества Христова (Праздник 25 декабря)       По-русски: Твое рождение, Христос Бог наш, озарило мир светом Богопознания, ибо тогда служившие звездам, как Богу, звездою научены (были) поклоняться Тебе, Солнцу правды, и познать Тебя, Восток с высоты. Господь, слава Тебе.   Ведети - знать.

  Тропарь этот о том, что рождение Спасителя было для людей духовным светом, потому что по чудесной звезде, явившейся при рождении Спасителя, восточные мудрецы познали Его. Кто такие звездам служащие? Восточные мудрецы, которые по течениям звезд угадывали судьбу человека и которые по явлению им на небе особенной звезды узнали о рождении Спасителя. Кто это Восток с высоты?

Это наш Спаситель Иисус Христос, с небесной высоты просвещающий нас верой, подобно тому, как восходящее солнце на востоке разливает дневной свет по земле и оживляет ее.   Тропарь Крещения Господня (Праздник 6 января)       По-русски: Когда Ты, Господь, крестился во Иордане, открылось поклонение (прославление)

Святой Троицы: ибо голос Родителя свидетельствовал о Тебе, называя Тебя возлюбленным Сыном, и Дух в виде голубя подтверждал истину (сего) слова. Христос Бог, явившийся в мир, слава Тебе.   О чем говорится в этом тропаре? О том, что во время крещения Господня явились людям все три лица Святой Троицы: Бог Отец во гласе, Сын Божий во плоти, и Дух Святой в виде голубя.