Tolkovyy pravoslavnyy molomolog/ Biblioteka   Tolkovyy pravoslavnyj molosokol   Po blavrezheniy Vysoreiniego Tikhon, Bishop of Novosibirsk and Tomsk   © Izdannoe prihodnym v po imeni Prepodvennogo Seraphima Sarovskoj Eparchii vmestoy s izd-vom "Russkaya beseda", 1995. © Library of the Omega Web Center. Red. Golden-Ship.

Who art in heaven - who is in heaven, heavenly. Who is meant here by the word Father? Our God. Why does the Lord command us to call upon God in the name of the Father? That we should stand before Him when we pray, not only with fear, as slaves stand before their masters, but also with love and devotion, like children before their father, revealing to Him all their needs with all sincerity and simplicity of heart.

If someone prays alone, do the words "Our Father" change? And in this case it is still necessary to say: Our Father, because God is the Father common to all of us, and we are brothers among ourselves; because we ask in prayer to ourselves, we must ask others to do the same. What do the words show: Who art in heaven? These words show that the one who prays does not turn with petitions to the earthly father, who is often unable to help his son, but to the Father who lives in heaven, Who can do everything to us and is ready to do everything; therefore, when we pray to the Heavenly Father, we must leave all earthly things and lift up our minds and hearts to God.

How is the first petition of the Lord's Prayer read? Hallowed be Thy name. Yes - let it. Sanctified - glorified. What do we ask of God with these words? We ask God for help, so that we may glorify God with our words, deeds, and all our holy lives. How is the second petition of the Lord's Prayer read? Thy Kingdom come. What do we ask of God with these words?

We ask that God reign in us, that is, that He would govern our spiritual powers and inspire us how to live in order to receive the Kingdom of Heaven. With these words we also ask for the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, for the revelation of the perfect blessedness of believers. What is the kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is the kingdom of Christian love and the grace-filled peace of the soul. Where there is love and harmony between Christians, and there is no enmity, there is the kingdom of God; but the kingdom of God will be fully revealed after the second coming of the Son of God to earth.

How is the third petition of the Lord's Prayer read? Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. As - how. What do we ask of God with these words? We ask God to help us to fulfill His holy will as willingly and diligently as angels and holy men do it in heaven - always and in everything perfectly. With these same words we show complete obedience to God, as the Father, Who knows better than we do which of us needs and is useful for earthly and eternal life.

How is the fourth petition of the Lord's Prayer read? Give us this day our daily bread. Daily - enough for a day. Give - give. Today - to this day. What do we ask of God with these words? We ask God to give us everything we need in life for body and soul. What is necessary for the body and soul? The body needs: food, clothing and housing.

For the soul are necessary: Holy Communion (John 6:55) and other sacraments and the word of God (Matt. 4:4). As the body, if it is deprived of its food, will die, that is, it will lose its soul and be destroyed, so the soul, if it does not eat its proper food, will die, that is, it will be deprived of eternal bliss. Why is it commanded to ask for daily bread only for one day? In order that we may not be overly concerned about future days; but they would remember that God Himself cares for us more than we do, and in Him they would firmly trust (Matt. 6:25-33).

How is the fifth petition of the Lord's Prayer read? And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Leave it - forgive me. Debts are sins. As - just as. What do we ask of God with these words? We ask God to forgive us our sins, just as we forgive us who have offended or sinned against us. Why are sins called debts?

Because everything that we have is not ours, but God's, and everything must be used according to the will of God; if we do not do this, if we sin, then we remain as it were in debt to God. Who are called our debtors? People who insult us and do us harm. They are called our debtors because they are supposed to live with us, as we do with them, in peace and harmony, but they do not live.

Will God forgive us our sins if we do not forgive others ourselves? In this case, God will not forgive us our sins either. Therefore, when we ask God for forgiveness of our sins, when we pray to Him, we should not have enmity with anyone, but have peace and love with all (Matt. 5:23-24; 6:14-15). How is the sixth petition of the Lord's Prayer read? And lead us not into temptation.

Temptation is the circumstances under which one can deviate to sin. What do we ask of God with these words? We ask God to remove us from such events in life that lead us to sin. How is the seventh petition of the Lord's Prayer read? But deliver us from evil. What do we ask of God with these words? We ask that God deliver us from all misfortunes and sorrows, and especially from the cunning devil, who constantly tempts us to evil (1 Pet. 5:8).

How is the doxology of the Lord's Prayer read? For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. Why is the doxology added to prayer? So that during prayer we not only ask God for mercy, but at the same time glorify Him as our Creator, firmly hoping that He is always able and ready to fulfill our request; as a sign of which we add to the doxology the word: Amen.

As the above prayers are usually called: Glory to Thee, O God... O Heavenly King... Holy God... Glory to the Father... The Most Holy Trinity... Our Father...? Introductory or initial, because almost all church services begin with them; with them we also begin a series of morning and evening prayers at home.   3. Morning Prayers   Prayer to Jesus Christ       In Russian: Come, let us worship the King, our God.

Come, let us bow down and prostrate ourselves to the ground before Christ the King, our God. Come, let us worship and prostrate ourselves to the ground before Christ Himself, our King and God.   The Tsars to the Tsar. If we fall down, we will fall to the ground.   To whom is this prayer? This prayer is to Jesus Christ. What does this prayer say? In it, we invite all our physical and spiritual strength, and we invite other believers to worship Jesus Christ, our King and God.