§4. Decas

1. The Paradigm of Harmonious Eternity

A very interesting picture is presented in the treatise by the analysis of the decimal, however, if we abstract to a large extent from the abundant formal-arithmetic operations here. The author himself defines the decimal in a very clear form as that prototype or "model" (paradeigma) which is the "seed" or "seed logos" for the entire structure of the cosmos from heaven to earth, including not only cosmic statics but also the dynamics of the world's periodic returns to itself as a result of its self-development (79:5-24; 83:4-5). The decimal is "an artistic [or artistic] eidos as a foundation for cosmic achievements" (cosmicois apotelesmasi 83:3-4). Simply put, it is the focus of the "logos of the spheres" (82, 8), that is, the comprehensive power of all cosmic harmony. If we compare the decimal with the nine, which is also a symbol of actively arising cosmic harmony, then the decimal contains the unprecedented news that it is the prototype of this all-cosmic harmony. The active all-cosmic harmony at the ninefold stage was only a fact, but not yet the idea of this fact. If every thing is understood as itself only because it is itself and not something else, that is, because it contains a definite idea, then the whole cosmos, both static and dynamic, exists only because of its idea, because of its prototype, because of its paradigm. The decimal testifies to the active transition of the ideal prototype into the real and material picture of the living cosmos both in its statics and in its dynamics. If this is so, then the dialectic of the decimal becomes the clearest and most intelligible construction. This, it seems to us, is the main thing. But this main thing is illustrated in the treatise by many images, which, of course, already have a conventional meaning, and, moreover, are not always understandable. These images are presented in the treatise, as always, separately and rather chaotic. But if we pursue logical order, then we can say the following.

2. Appropriate Terminology

First of all, the decimal is "heavenly" (80, 9) and even simply "heaven" (80, 3) and, in particular, the "sun" (80, 6), not to mention the fact that it is simply "cosmos" (80, 3). It is "indefatigable" (80:5) and even "eternity" itself (80:4; 81:9). It is clear why it is also "power" (80:4; 81:11; 86:6), "memory" (81:18), "faith" (80:4; 81:15), "all-perfect" (panteleia 86:6). Of the mythological figures, the following are attracted: Atlas as holding the sky on his shoulders (80, 5; 82, 4), Phanet (80, 5) as manifesting cosmic harmony, Pan (80, 3.10.16), interpreted in connection with incorrect etymology as "All" (pan), and "god" in general (80, 5). In this connection, it is also very important to say that the decal is "necessity" (anagce 80, 4; 82, 1) and "fate" (heimarmene 80, 3; 81, 4).

3. The difference between a decimal and a one

In conclusion of this analysis of the decimal offered to us in the treatise, we must also say that we met with the concept of the creative prototype at the very beginning of this treatise, namely, in the discourse on unity. In order not to be confused, one should not think that the tenth repeats only what was already in the unit. This unit was indeed the prototype and paradigm; But it has not yet been said what exactly it is a paradigm. All that has been said is that it is a paradigm for the All in general. But in order to understand this All, it was necessary to study this All in its corporeal substance, in its living corporeality, and in all possible structures of the cosmos. Therefore, the author of the treatise does not at all engage here in an empty repetition of what was said in the chapter on unity. Now it is not a unit in general, but a unit of all the cosmic harmonies realized by it, both in the static and dynamic sense of the word. The absolute unit is only the givenness of real being. The decimal is a full-fledged material given, formality and all-harmonious realization, the truth of the same absolute unity. It is not for nothing that one is called Zeus in the treatise, and nine is called Hero. The marriage of Zeus and Hera, that is, one and nine, creates a tenfold, that is, the entire region of the cosmos with the preservation of the properties of both parents.

§5. General characteristics of the treatise