Русская Православная Церковь и экуменического движение


Cf. Todor Sabev, Progress Report on Relationships with WCC Member Orthodox Churches (Dossiers OTF, WCC); Orthodox Thought, Reports of Orthodox Cosultations organized by the WCC, 1975 — 1982/Ed. by Georges Tsetsis. Geneva, 1983; Emilio Castro, The World Council of Church and the Orthodox Church//L’Orthodoxie et le Mouvement oecumenique. Quelques communications prеsentеs lors du 6 еme sеminaire thеologique du Centre orthodoxe. Genиva, 1986. P. 1 sq.


Thеologie et vie orthodoxes//Episkepsis (Genеve), 17 еme annеe. № 354. P. 8 — 17.


The Sofia Consultation. Orthodox Involvement in the World Council of Churches/Ed. by Todor Sabev. Geneve, 1982. P. 21.112Cf. Message from Philip Potter//The Orthodox Church… P. 9 — 10; Idem. A World Council response//The Sofia Consultation… P. 39 — 40.113В скобках добавление Т. Сабева.114См. выше п. 41; Stephanopoulos R. G. Guidelines for Orthodox Christians in Ecumenical Relations (New York, 1974). P. 48 — 49. Последнее заявление подобного рода было представлено III Ассамблее ВЦС в Нью–Дели, 1961.115См. выше, п. 45.116Cf. The Report on «Orthodox Involement…»//The Sofia Consultation… P. 27.117The Orthodox Church… P. 73 — 74.118Ibid. P. 47 — 65; The New Valamo Consultation… (passim).119См.: Minutes of Central Committee meeting in Kingston. Jamaica, 1979. Appendix III. P. 143 — 144; Minutes of Executive Committee meeting at Bossey. September. 1979. P. 20 — 21.120The Sofia Consultation…P. 7f., 15ff., 36ff., 50ff., 69 — 112.121Cf. Minutes of Central Committee meeting in Geneva. 1982. P. 48 — 51.122См. выше, п. 46, с. 10.123См.: Episkepsis. 1985. № 332. P. 8 — 9; Minutes of Executive Committee meeting in Geneva. February. 1985. P. 6; Allocation of seats for delegates to the Seventh Assembly 1991 (Doc. № 4.3 of Central Committee. Hanover. 1988). P. 2ff.124Cf. The Report on «Orthodox Involvement…»//The Sofia Consultation… P. 18.125Ibid.; cf. The New Valamo Consultation. P. 18.126The Orthodox and the Unity of the Church (B). Consultation on «The Church’s struggle for justice and unity», Crete, 1975//Orthodox Contribution to Nairobi. Geneva, 1975. P. 31.127The report on «The Ecumenical Nature of the Orthodox Witness»//The New Valamo Consultation… P. 18.128The Orthodox…//Orthodox Contribution to Nairobi. P. 31 — 32.129Ion Bria, The Eastern Orthodox in the Ecumenical Movement//The Ecumenical Review. Vol. 38. № 2. 1986. P. 219.130См.: Orthodox Involvement…//The Sofia Consultation… P. 18 — 19.131Cf. Orthodox Youth and the Ecumenical Movement/Ed. by N. Micaita. Geneva, 1978; Christian Obedience and the Search for Liberation — An Orthodox Perspective. Geneva, 1979.132Cf. Ion Bria. Op. cit. P. 226; Castro E., op. cit. P. 6 — 7.133Ion Bria. Ibid. P. 224 — 225.134W. A. Visser `t Hooft, The Genesis and Formation of the World Council of Churches. Geneva: WCC, 1982. P. 1.