Kniga Nr1055


We do not accept the idea of a personal "God" (H. P. Blavatsky, The Key to Theosophy. Point loma, SA: Aryan Theosophical Press, 1913). "We believe in a universal divine law, the root of everything, from which everything proceeds and into which everything will return at the end of the great cycle of existence" (ibid., p.


Theosophists teach that man consists of seven parts: 1. body; 2. viability; 3. the astral body; 4. Animal soul; 5. the human soul; 6. spiritual soul; 7. Energy.

"Man is also considered equal to God... for you are God, and your desires are always God's; but thou hast to dig deep into thyself to find God there, and to hear His voice, which is thy voice" (Krishnamurti, "At Feet of the Master," p. 10).

A person develops individually and corporately. Salvation is attained only when one reaches the seventh stage, including movement from one body to another based on one's own efforts. This is similar to the Eastern teaching about the law of karma.

Jesus Christ

"As for Christ, the true Saviour, understood only by the initiated, he is not a man, but a DIVINE LAW in every human life" (H. P. Blavatsky, A Study of Occultism, p. 134).

Reincarnations and the afterlife

"There is no one to blame but ourselves for the conditions of our birth, our character, our capabilities, our abilities, because all this is due to the work of forces set in motion by us in this or in a previous life" (Irving S. Cooper, p. "Theosophy Simplified". p. 55).

There is no paradise in Theosophy. A Theosophist can reach the state of "Nirvana," in which the personality is absorbed in the impersonal world, losing all individual consciousness.

A Biblical Analysis of Theosophy

Madame Blavatsky's adherence to Hindu scriptures completely negates the basic premise of the Christian faith, namely that God has given the world a unique revelation of who He is and who we are (Heb. 1:1-3). The Bible and Christianity cannot be derived from Hinduism (which it claims has happened to all religions) because God's Word is the exact opposite of the teachings of Hinduism. The denial of a personal God is a denial of the God of the Bible, the infinitely personal creator. In Theosophy there is no place for God, who created man in His own image: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" (Gen. 1:26). There is nothing in Scripture about a person being made up of seven parts. It is enough that it consists of body, soul, and spirit: "May the God of peace himself sanctify you in all its fullness, and may your spirit, soul, and body be preserved without blemish at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thess. 5:23). Madame Blavatsky, like the Christian Scientists, tries to separate Christ from the person of Jesus. However, "Christ" is simply a name meaning "anointed one" or "messiah," indicating the functions of Jesus. There is no justification for any distinction between Jesus and "Christ." Moreover, the acceptance of Christ as a law, and not as a real man, is a refutation of the whole purpose of His coming: "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14). The idea of reincarnation, that people have to go through a series of lives to atone for their sins, denies what Christ did on the cross. Salvation was made complete by the sacrifice of Christ. None of us can add or subtract from it—therefore, it is not necessary to be born several times in order to accomplish what Christ has already done. The Bible teaches that there is life for everyone after death. Those who trust in Jesus Christ will dwell forever in God's presence, while those who turn away from Christ will spend eternity away from Him. The Gospel of John explains: "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him" (3:36).


Having examined all the beliefs of Theosophy, we have found that the whole Theosophical system is contrary to Christianity. Therefore, reconciliation between them is impossible, since the supporters of Theosophy extol the theories of Buddhists and Brahma, and Christians follow only Jesus Christ.