Josh McDowell.

Both the Old and New Testaments mention witchcraft and witchcraft more than once, and say that these actions are strictly forbidden by God, the Bible condemns all forms of witchcraft, including divination, astrology, divination by the entrails of humans and animals. The following passages describe the various forms of witchcraft condemned by God.

1. "Thou shalt not let wise men live" (Exodus 22:18).

2. "Do not eat with blood: do not tell or tell fortunes" (Lev. 19:26).

3. "Do not turn to those who summon the dead, and do not go to sorcerers, and do not defile yourselves with them, 'I am the Lord your God' (Lev. 19:31).

4. "There shall not be among you one who leads his son or daughter through the fire, a soothsayer, a fortune-teller, a fortune-teller, a sorcerer, a charmer, a summoner of spirits, a magician, and one who asks questions of the dead... For these nations, whom thou hast expelled, listen to diviners and soothsayers: but the Lord thy God hath not given thee" (Deut. 18:10-11, 14).

5. "And they led their sons and their daughters through the fire, and divined, and sorcery, and gave themselves over to do evil things in the sight of the Lord, and to provoke Him to anger" (2 Kings 17:17).

6. "Remain with thy sorcery and with the multitude of thy sorcery, which thou hast practised from thy youth, perhaps thou shalt persuade thyself: perhaps, thou shalt endure. Thou art weary of the multitude of thy counsels: let the watchers of the heavens, and the astrologers, and the foretellers of the new moons, come forth, and save thee from that which is to befall thee." —Isaiah 47:12-13.

7. "And do not listen to your prophets, and your fortune-tellers, and your dreamers, and your sorcerers, and your astrologers," who say to you, "You will not serve the king of Babylon." For they prophesy a lie to you, that they may remove you from your land, and that I may cast you out, and you perish" (Jeremiah 27:9-10).

8. «Прошедши весь остров до Пафа‚ нашли они некоторого волхва лжепророка. Иудеянина‚ именем Вариисуса‚ который находился с проконсулом Сергием Павлом‚ мужем разумным. Сей‚ призвав Варнаву и Савла‚ пожелал услышать слово Божие‚ а Елима волхв‚ ибо то значит имя его‚ противился им‚ стараясь отвратить проконсула от веры. Но Савл‚ он же и Павел‚ исполнившись Духа Святого и устремив на его взор‚ сказал: о‚ исполненный всякого коварства и всякого злодейства‚ сын диавола‚ враг всякой правды! перестанешь ли ты совращать с прямых путей Господних?» (Деян. 13:6—10).


Существование темного сверхъестественного царства‚ которое возглавляет Сатана и поддерживают легионы бесов‚ реальность‚ Орудия и приемы Сатаны многообразны. К счастью‚ есть власть‚ сила и убежище против Сатаны: они — в Иисусе Христе‚ Сыне Божием.