Vidal César Monzanares
Translated from French
Title of the French original:
Souvennir d’un Temoin de Jehovah,
Cesar Vidal Manzanares,
Edition VIDA, Viami, Floride.
Reimpression en 1988.
This book first appeared in Spanish under the title:
Recuerdos de un Tesrigo de Jehova.
© for the author's Spanish edition, 1985.
© for the Russian edition of "Bibliotheca Christiana", 1995.
Biblical quotations are given according to the edition:
BIBLE, Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, "Life with God", Brussels 1973 (text of the Russian Synodal translation).
In some cases, in order to reproduce the arguments of the author and his interlocutors, Jehovah's Witnesses, a textual translation of the French version of the Bible of the New World (1974 edition) is also cited.
Translated from French and edited by Fr. Henri Martin.
Bibliltheca christiana 380083 Rep. GEORGIA, TBILISI-83, PO Box 05
The following pages are an account of one of the innumerable manifestations of God's goodness, which is undeserved on our part. In the chain of events, I discern indescribable connections that are manifested in all the deeds of the Almighty. When we look back many years later, we see a guiding thread that runs through them, giving them obvious meaning.
However, there is nothing special about this book. This is just another testimony, and it speaks of the same kindness with which the Father in Heaven leads to the salvation of any of His children.