Vidal César Monzanares

A curious connection

Blood transfusions? It is enough to read Acts 15:28-29. It was forbidden to drink blood, no? It is enough just to read to find out.

The end of the world? Suffice it to turn to Matthew, ch. 24. Does it not speak of wars, of nations rebelling against other nations, of kingdoms fighting against other kingdoms? It is enough just to read.

Two hours later, I was seized by a daze. What Father Santos said turned out to be an endless series of completely groundless statements. I've seen it from the Catholic Bible. It contained the smallness of Jesus in comparison with the Father, the nearness of the end of the world, the need to abstain from blood. These people were slandered in the most obvious way, for they taught the Bible from house to house!

Then something else came to my mind and reminded me of a conversation with Father Santos. Jehovah's Witnesses attack religion. But in this case, it is not at all logical to preach some other:

"You attack other religions, so why do you preach another one?"

And again the guy smiled.

- We do not attack religions at all. You saw that we even used the Catholic Bible," he told me.

I nodded my head in agreement, for it all seemed quite obvious now.

"But," he continued, "it is impossible that all religions are true, because they contradict one another, whereas Jehovah God cannot contradict Himself. That is why we preach the only true religion, the only religion based on the Bible, the only religion that God desires, for the Most High is a jealous God.

I tried to defend myself in the face of the totality of their arguments.

"Okay, in the spiritual sense, let's say... but the Old Testament is only a collection of typical accounts of events that undoubtedly never happened, and...

The guy's expression changed, as if he was quite upset by what he heard: