The Evangelist or the Commentary of Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, on the Holy Gospel

And after John had been betrayed, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent and believe in the gospel."

Hearing that John had been given up to prison, Jesus withdrew to Galilee, in order to show us that we should not go into temptations ourselves, but that we should avoid them when we fall, but endure them when we fall. Christ apparently preaches the same thing as John, such as: "repent" and "the kingdom of God is at hand." But in reality it is not the same thing: John says "repent" in order to turn away from sins, and Christ says "repent" in order to turn away from the letter of the Law, which is why He added: "Believe in the Gospel," for he who wants to believe according to the Gospel has already abolished the Law. The Lord says that "the time of the Law is fulfilled." Hitherto, he says, the Law has been in action, and from now on comes the Kingdom of God, life according to the Gospel. This life is rightly presented as the Kingdom of Heaven, for when one sees that one who lives according to the Gospel behaves almost like a bodiless person, how can one not say that he already has the Kingdom of Heaven (where there is neither food nor drink), although it seems to be still far away.

And as he passed by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting their nets into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." And straightway they left their nets and followed Him. And when he had gone a little while, he saw James of Zebedee and John his brother also in the boat mending the nets; And immediately he called them. And they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the laborers, and followed him.

Peter and Andrew were at first disciples of the Forerunner, and when they saw Jesus witnessed by John, they joined Him. Then, when John was betrayed, they sorrowfully went back to their former occupation. Thus, Christ now calls them for the second time, for the present calling is already the second. Notice that they were nourished by their righteous labors, and not by unrighteous practices. Such people were worth being the first disciples of Christ. Immediately throwing down what was in their hands, they followed Him; for it is not necessary to delay, but to follow immediately. After these he catches James and John. And these, although they themselves were poor, nevertheless fed their aged father. But they left their father, not because it was a good deed to leave their parents, but because he wanted to prevent them from following the Lord. In the same way, when your parents hinder you, leave them and follow the Good. Evidently, Zebedee did not believe, but the mother of these apostles believed, and when Zebedee died, she also followed the Lord. And even this, that action is called first, and then contemplation, for Peter is the image of action, because he was of a fiery character and always warned others, which is proper to action, John, on the contrary, represents contemplation, because he was a theologian in superiority.

And they come to Capernaum; and soon afterwards on the Sabbath he went into the synagogue and taught. And they marveled at His teaching, for He taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.

Where did you come from to Capernaum? From Nazareth, and on the Sabbath day. When they usually gathered to read the law, then Christ also came to teach. For the Law also commanded that the Sabbath should be kept for this purpose, so that people might be engaged in reading, gathering together for this purpose. The Lord taught accusingly, and not flatteringly, like the Pharisees: He persuaded them to do good, and threatened the disobedient with torment.

In their synagogue there was a man possessed by an unclean spirit, and he cried out, "Leave it alone! what have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? You have come to destroy us. I know You who You are, the Holy One of God. But Jesus rebuked him, saying, "Be silent and come out of him." Then the unclean spirit shook him and cried out with a loud voice, and went out of him. And everyone was terrified, so that they asked one another: what is this? what is this new doctrine, that He commands even unclean spirits with authority, and they obey Him? And soon the fame of Him spread throughout all the country round about in Galilee.

Evil spirits are called "unclean" because they love all kinds of unclean deeds. The demon considers it "destruction" for himself to come out of a person. Evil demons in general impute evil to themselves when they are not allowed to do evil to people. Moreover, being carnal and accustomed to delight in matter, they seem to endure great hunger when they do not live in bodies. That is why the Lord says that the demonic race is cast out by fasting. The unclean one did not say to Christ: "You are holy, since many of the prophets were holy," but he said "Holy," that is, the only One Holy in His essence. But Christ makes him silent, so that we may know that the demons must stop their mouths, even though they speak the truth. The demon throws and shakes violently the person possessed by it, so that the eyewitnesses, seeing what calamity a person is delivered from, will believe for the sake of a miracle.

Soon after leaving the synagogue, they came to the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Simonov's mother-in-law was in a fever; and immediately they speak to Him about it. Approaching, He lifted her up, taking her by the hand; and the fever immediately left her, and she began to serve them.

К вечеру в субботу, как обычно было, Господь пошел в дом учеников для принятия пищи. Между тем та, которая должна была послужить при сем, одержима была горячкой. Но Господь исцеляет ее, и она начинает служить им. Эти слова дают знать, что и ты, когда Бог исцеляет тебя от болезни, должен употребить здоровье свое на служение святым и на благоугождение Богу. Одержим бывает своего рода горячкой и человек гневливый и от гнева становится дерзок на руку. Но если Слово удержит его за руку и кротко прострет ее, то прежде жегомый гневом начинает служить Слову. Ибо гневливый, когда Слово удержит его руку, восстает, и таким образом гнев служит Слову.

При наступлении же вечера, когда заходило солнце, приносили к Нему всех больных и бесноватых. И весь город собрался к дверям. И Он исцелил многих, страдавших различными болезнями; изгнал многих бесов, и не позволял бесам говорить, что они знают, что Он Христос.

Не без причины прибавлено: «когда заходило солнце». Поскольку думали, что непозволительно исцелять в день субботний, то дождались заката солнца и тогда уже стали приносить больных для исцеления. «Многих» исцелил, сказано вместо «всех», потому что все составляют множество; или: не всех исцелил потому, что некоторые оказались неверующими, которые и не были исцелены за свое неверие, но «многих» из принесенных исцелил, то есть тех, которые имели веру. Бесам не позволял говорить для того, чтобы, как я сказал, научить нас не верить им, хотя бы они говорили и правду. Иначе, если они найдут кого-либо вполне доверяющего им, то чего не сделают, проклятые, примешивая к правде ложь! Так и Павел запретил пытливому духу говорить: «Люди эти – рабы Бога Вышняго»; святый муж не хотел слышать отзыва и свидетельства из нечистых уст.

А утром, встав весьма рано, вышел и удалился в пустынное место, и там молился. Симон и бывшие с ним пошли за Ним и, найдя Его, говорят Ему: все ищут Тебя. Он говорит им: пойдем в ближние селения и города, чтобы Мне и там проповедывать, ибо Я для того пришел. И Он проповедывал в синагогах их по всей Галилее и изгонял бесов.

После того, как исцелил больных, Господь уходит в уединенное место, научая тем нас, чтобы мы не напоказ делали что-либо, но если сделаем какое добро, спешили бы скрыть его. И молится Он также для того, чтобы показать нам что все, что ни делаем доброго, должно приписывать Богу и говорить Ему: «Всякое даяние доброе и всякий дар совершенный нисходит свыше, от Отца светов» (Иак. 1, 17). Сам по Себе Христос даже не имел нужды в молитве. Далее, когда народ искал и сильно желал Его, не отдается ему, хотя принимает это с благосклонностью, но идет и к другим, нуждающимся в исцелении и наставлении. Ибо не должно ограничивать дела учения одним местом, но надобно всюду рассеивать лучи слова. Но смотри, как Он соединяет с учением деяние: проповедует, а потом изгоняет и бесов. Так и ты учи и вместе твори дела, дабы слово твое не было тщетно. Иначе если бы Христос не показал вместе и чудес, то слову Его не поверили бы.