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Thus, the book of the Apocalypse was written at a time of intensified persecution of the Church. Its purpose is to strengthen and comfort believers in view of the challenges ahead. It reveals the ways and tricks by which the devil and his servants try to destroy believers; It teaches how to overcome temptations. The book of the Apocalypse calls on believers to be attentive to their spiritual state, not to fear suffering and death for Christ's sake. It shows the joyful life of the saints in heaven and calls to unite with them. Believers, although they sometimes have many enemies, have even more defenders in the person of angels, saints, and, especially, Christ the Conqueror.

The book of the Apocalypse, more vividly and vividly than other books of Holy Scripture, reveals the drama of the struggle between evil and good in the history of mankind and shows more fully the triumph of Good and Life.

Letters to the Seven Churches

Church Ephesus

Apoc. 2:8-11 Smyrna

Apoc. 2:12-17 Pergamon

Apoc. 2:12-17 Thyatira

Apoc. 2:18-29 Sardis

Apoc. 3:7-13 Philadelphia

Apoc. 3:7-13 Laodicean

Apoc. 3:14-22 Praise He worked hard, endured the depraved You endure sorrow and poverty. He did not renounce the faith. Good deeds, love, faith, the last deeds are greater than the first ones He did not defile his garments. Though weak, you are faithful to Christ. — — — Censure Cooled in love — — — You admit heretics in your midst You allow heretics to sow temptations You seem to be alive, but you are dead — — — Lukewarm and self-confident Call Remember whence thou hast fallen, and repent Be faithful to death. Repent. Take care of what you have. Watch, for you are near death. Repent. Take care of your spiritual wealth Love the truth, become diligent and sensitive. What to expect "I will move your lamp" (I will reject) — — — — — — — — — I'll come unexpectedly — — — — — — Reward You will eat of the tree of life You will escape eternal death. You will taste manna. You'll get a new name. You will conquer the Gentiles. You'll get white clothes. You will be steadfast. You'll bear the name of God. You will reign with Christ. The Old Testament Period Life in Eden (Gen. 2:9) Slavery into Egypt (ten plagues, Exodus 7-12) Wandering in the Sinai desert. Balaam offends Israel (Num. 25:1 and 31:16) The temptation of paganism under Jezebel (1 Kings 16:31 and 21:2126). God's Judgment on Israel and Judah (Isaiah 1:9 and 6:13) (8th-6th century B.C.) Babylonian captivity, extreme weakening. The return from captivity, the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple. (The Key of David). The time before the Nativity of Christ. Pharisaism. Utilitarian attitude to religion. The New Testament Period Apostolic Time (1st century) Persecution of the Church under the Roman Emperor (2nd-4th centuries) The struggle against heresies (Ecumenical Councils). Monasticism (47th century). Iconoclasm. Christianization of new peoples (Slavs) "power over pagans" (7th-12th centuries). The flowering of church art. Formalism in religion. The fall of Byzantium. Revolution in Russia (13-20 centuries). The oppression of atheism. The Weakness of the Church The Christianization of the Jews. (20th century) Christianity is a means to happiness. Self-assurance

Sectarians. Nature of this period First spiritual burning and innocence; Then cooling. Purification through persecution and sorrows. The fight against heresy. Mental temptations. Attained spiritual maturity. External ritual piety. Punishment. Faithfulness to God in difficult conditions. Complacency, blindness, and pride.

The Plan of the Apocalypse

Vision Seven seals.

Heavenly worship.

4 Cavalry (4-6) Seven trumpets. The Initial Tribulations and the Preservation of the Believers (7-10) Seven Signs.

The Church and the Kingdom of the Beast (11-14) Seven Cups. The Trial of Sinners (1517) The Judgment of Babylon, the Antichrist and the False Prophet (18-19) 1000th Kingdom of Saints. The Devil's Judgment and the General Judgment (20) Triumphant Church in Heaven Heaven