Kniga Nr1268

2.1.1. The Naturalism of Paganism and the Supernaturalness of Christianity 20

2.1.2. Myth-making in Pagan Religions and the Historicity of the Religion of Revelation 23

2.1.3 The Ethical Character of Christianity and the Immorality of Pagan Religions 24

3. On the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ ................................................... 27

3.1. The Possibility of the Emergence of a "Myth" about Christ in Judaism and Paganism 27

3.2. Historical Evidence of Jesus Christ 29

3.3. The "Female Deity" in Pagan Religions and Attempts to Find One in Christianity 36

4. About God 38

4.1. Possibilities of Human Cognition .....................................38

4.2. The Orthodox Doctrine of God as Love and the Heterodox and Heterodox Ideas of God.......................................................................................38

4.3. God is Love.............................................................................39

4.4. The meaning of the concept of "God's punishment"....................................................... 41

4.5. The Orthodox teaching about God the Trinity and pagan triads (family, Hindu Trimurti, Hellenic Hecate, Neoplatonic ideas, etc)... 43

4.6. Logos-Christ and Pre-Christian Ideas about the Logos (in Ancient Greek Philosophy, the Stoics and Philo of Alexandria)..........................45

4.7. On the Incarnation........................................................................... 48

4.8. Salvation in Paganism and Christianity..............................................52

4.9. The Essence of the Savior's Sacrifice......................................................... 64

5. Church...................................................................................... 68

5.1. Theocentric and anthropocentric understanding of the Church.................. 68

5.2. Christian Sacraments...................................................................... 68

6. Holy Scripture. His inspiration....................................... 76