Pitanov V.Y.
44 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.4.
45 This refers to the so-called energy channels. Chakras are certain energy centers in the human body, which, according to the teachings of Sahaja Yoga, have an impact on his self-consciousness: the higher the open chakra is, the more spiritual, intelligent a person is, etc. Moscow, 2003.
46 Sahaja Yoga. Methodical manual for beginners. Sahaja Yoga Centre. VISHVA Nirmala Dharma. St. Petersburg, 2002. P.8.
47 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Sahaja Yoga. Moscow, Antal. 1992, p.18.
48 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.5.
49 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Sahaja Yoga. Moscow, Antal. 1992, p.21.
50 See: D.P. Shultz, S.E. Shultz, Istoriya sovremennoi psikhologii. St. Petersburg, Eurasia. 1998.
51 See: M. Glukhikh, Bioenergetics. A practical guide to a psychic. Vyatka. Patrimony. 1992.
52 The energy center, which yogis believe is located on top of the head.
53 Sahaja Yoga. Methodical manual for beginners. Sahaja Yoga Centre. VISHVA Nirmala Dharma. St. Petersburg, 2002. P.5.
54 See: L.M. Bash, A.V. Bobrova, G.L. Vecheslova, R.S. Kimyagarova, E.M. Sendrovits, Sovremennyi slovar' inostrannykh slov. Moscow, Citadel-trade. 2002. P.511.
55 Sahaja Yoga. Methodical manual for beginners. Sahaja Yoga Centre. VISHVA Nirmala Dharma. St. Petersburg, 2002. P.6.
56 Ibidem. P.6.
57 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.37.
58 See: V.Y. Pitanov, Mantra Yoga, Meditation and Orthodox Prayer: A Question of Compatibility. http://apologet.narod.ru
59 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.16.
60 See: V.Y. Pitanov, Mantra Yoga, Meditation and Orthodox Prayer: A Question of Compatibility. http://apologet.narod.ru
61 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.38.
62 The Second Birth. Supplement to the journal "New Worldview". №1. 2002. P.4.
63 Shri Mataji on the chakras. Moscow, 2003, p.104.
64 Daniil Andreev. The Rose of the World. Moscow, The Other World. 1992. P.232.