Pitanov V.Y.

9 An ashram is a spiritual commune where students gather around a teacher and often live together. For some reason, Nirmala Devi's disciples are silent about the fact that she was a disciple of Rajneesh (Osho). See: A.L. Dvorkin, Sect Studies. Nizhny Novgorod. Ed. In the name of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky. 2003. P.432.

10 The biography is given according to the book. Sahaja Yoga. Methodical manual for beginners. Sahaja Yoga Centre. VISHVA Nirmala Dharma. St. Petersburg, 2002. P.2.

11 Shakti is a female manifestation of the Indian deity Shiva. Shakti is like his active hypostasis. Shiva himself is one of the main deities of Hinduism. He is considered the destroyer of the world, as well as its creator. His character is attributed to anger and expansiveness. See: Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism. Dictionary. Moscow, Respublika. 1996. P.454, 459.

12 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.2.

13 Ibidem. P.60.

14 Sahaja Yoga. Methodical manual for beginners. Sahaja Yoga Centre. VISHVA Nirmala Dharma. St. Petersburg, 2002. P.1.

15 See: V.Y. Pitanov, "Christianity and Science – Enemies or Co-Workers?" http://apologet.narod.ru

16 On mysticism, see: A.I. Osipov, The Way of Reason in Search of Truth. Moscow, Izd. Sretensky Monastery. 2002.

17 See: V.Y. Pitanov, "The Myth of the "Brotherhood of Religions" as a Method of Combating Traditional Religions. http://apologet.narod.ru

18 See: V.Y. Pitanov, Science and Pseudoscience: Overcoming False Authority. http://apologet.narod.ru

19 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Sahaja Yoga. Moscow, Antal. 1992, p.6.

20 Ibidem. P.3.

21 Ivlev. Y.V. Logic. Moscow, Prospekt. 2005. P.33.

22 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Sahaja Yoga. Moscow, Antal. 1992, p.7.