Priest Alexander Permyakov

22. Galina: How do they follow the Bible if they profess unbiblical teachings about the Trinity, about the soul that exists separately from the body, and about the eternity of the torment of sinners?

23. Me: And who is insured against mistakes? Even the apostles were wrong. Let's see what the Bible says:

Wherefore they came together and asked him, saying, Is it not at this time, O Lord, that thou dost restore the kingdom to Israel? (Acts 1:6) See?

The Apostoles thought that Christ should attract them to recreate the Kingdom of Israel. And what did Christ answer them?

And he said to them, It is not your business to know the times or seasons which the Father has set in his own power. (Acts 1:7)

From this passage we see that even the apostles did not fully understand the teachings of Christ. What can we say about Adventists, Baptists, Pentecostals?

24. Galina: But all these people don't just have mistakes, they have teachings that don't agree with the Bible at all!! The same applies to Orthodox and Catholics.

25. Me: Are you saying that these people are heretics?!

26. Galina: In general, Jehovah's Witnesses practically do not use the word "heresy". "Heresy" (Ancient Greek ??????? — "choice, direction, opinion") is a deliberate deviation from the dogmas of faith, offering a different approach to religious teaching; separation of a new community from the church. In fact, this word is synonymous with the word "sect". For example, in Acts 24:5, one translation refers to Paul as "the head of the Nazarene heresy," and in the NWT it is referred to as "the head of the sect of the Nazarenes."

27. Me: There are other meanings of this word. From Galatians 5:19-21 we see that heresy is called "the work of the flesh" among other sins such as fornication and murder. Among the Watchtower texts, I have found those that speak of heresy in this sense.

"Epaphras prayed that the Christians of Colossae would stand 'firmly convinced of all the will of God.' They were surrounded by heresy and pernicious philosophies, some of which seemed to be religious truths." (The Watchtower. 2000. December 15, "Pray for Firm Assurance," p. 21.)