Priest Alexander Permyakov

33. Me: Can Baptists, Adventists, etc., be wrong?

34. Galina: Yes, they can.

35. Me: Let me remind you of what you said just a moment ago: "But they don't just have mistakes, they have outright heresies that don't agree with the Bible at all!! The same applies to the Orthodox and Catholics."

36. Galina: (Eyes were already rolling) I admit that Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox can be mistaken. However, they also have heresies. Jehovah's Witnesses do not have heresies.

37. Me: Understood. A correction needs to be made. Jehovah's Witnesses differ from everyone else only in that all their incorrect statements are always mistakes, and Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox can either be wrong or speak heresy. Correct?

38. Galina: Not exactly... Here I need to explain... (Then began an irreproducible demagoguery, which showed that Galina did not have a ready answer to this question, I had to interrupt her.)

39. Did I understand you correctly that heresy differs from error in its attitude to the Bible? Heresy is contrary to the Bible, and error is simply an inaccurate statement of biblical truth?

40. Galina: That's right. In addition, motivation is important. Heresy is always stubbornness against God, unwillingness to do His will, and a mistake can be made by a very sincere believer who is not yet ripe for the "clearer light" of the truth.

41. Me: Understood. According to your logic, there are no insincere people among Jehovah's Witnesses, that is, those who could speak heresy in their stubbornness, and there are such people in other confessions!?

42. Galina: Yes, God cleanses His organization of such people.

43. Me: Why is it your organization of Jehovah's Witnesses that God cleanses, and why doesn't He cleanse other organizations?