Priest Alexander Permyakov

61. Я: Отлично: А теперь давайте посмотрим ещё несколько текстов из Сторожевой Башни:

«По воле Иеговы Бога Библия была написана таким образом, что необходимо соприкоснуться с Его человеческим каналом, прежде чем ее можно будет полностью и правильно понять»9.

"Таким образом, Библия - организационная книга и принадлежит христианской конгрегации как организации, а не людям, независимо от того, насколько искренне они уверены в том, что могут интерпретировать Библию. По этой причине Библия не может быть понята правильно без разъяснений видимой организации Иеговы"10.

So the modern teaching of the OSB (on Scripture) differs from Russell's understanding on only one question: Who is the legitimate authority on the correct interpretation and understanding of the Bible? Russell, as the "Great Discreet Slave," believed that it was himself. Modern Witnesses consider the governing council to be an authority... Tell me, Galina: And for what kind of merits did God grant the OSB the ability to correctly explain the Bible?

58. Galina: (Here there was empty demagoguery, the task of which, apparently, was to "chatter" the topic, to get out from under a dangerous blow. Galina talked a lot about her perception of the organization, about drunken priests who drive expensive cars, about how she had changed since she began to go to OSB meetings.

59. Me: You didn't answer my question: For what kind of merit did God grant the OSB the ability to interpret the Bible correctly? It seems that you are simply not familiar with this doctrine of your organization...

Who, then, is the faithful and discreet servant whom his master has set over his servants, to give them food in season? Blessed is the servant whom his master finds, when he comes, doing so; verily I say unto you, that he shall set him over all his possessions. (Matthew 24:45-47) Are you familiar with how the OSB interprets this text?

60. Galina: I know this text... To be honest, I don't really understand what you're getting at.

61. Me: Who is the faithful and discreet slave [organization] whom [Jesus] appointed over his [followers] to give them [spiritual] food at the right time? Happy is that servant [organization] if [Jesus] comes [in 1914] and finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, [in the spring of 1919] he will appoint [the Watchtower Organization] over all his [earthly] possessions. (Matthew 24:45-47). 11 This text gives a specific interpretation of the Scriptures, which shows that in 1919 the OSB received authority from Jehovah to administer all its earthly possessions. So it is on the basis of this appointment that the OSB interprets the Bible correctly. Do you agree with this?

62. Galina: I agree.