Priest Alexander Permyakov

60. Galina: I know this text... To be honest, I don't really understand what you're getting at.

61. Me: Who is the faithful and discreet slave [organization] whom [Jesus] appointed over his [followers] to give them [spiritual] food at the right time? Happy is that servant [organization] if [Jesus] comes [in 1914] and finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, [in the spring of 1919] he will appoint [the Watchtower Organization] over all his [earthly] possessions. (Matthew 24:45-47). 11 This text gives a specific interpretation of the Scriptures, which shows that in 1919 the OSB received authority from Jehovah to administer all its earthly possessions. So it is on the basis of this appointment that the OSB interprets the Bible correctly. Do you agree with this?

62. Galina: I agree.

63. Me: Do you really believe that Christ set his sights on earth in 1914 and in 1919 authorized the Bible Students to teach on Jehovah's behalf?

64. Galina: Yes, I have a personal conviction that it was so.

65. Me: Doesn't it seem strange to you that Jesus Christ did not immediately bless you? Why did He wait for five years?

66. I don't know, I didn't think about it on purpose.

67. Me: I think you will be interested in finding the answer to this question (I hand Galina and all those present another sheet with a text from Jehovah's Witness literature):

[Jehovah's Witnesses] sold themselves out of wrong customs and fell into slavery to the world empire of false religion [Satan's organization]... This special case occurred during the First World War 1914-1918.12

In 1919, [Jehovah's Witnesses] left Satan's organization. The Watchtower, August 15, 1991. 17.