Priest Alexander Permyakov

67. Me: I think you will be interested in finding the answer to this question (I hand Galina and all those present another sheet with a text from Jehovah's Witness literature):

[Jehovah's Witnesses] sold themselves out of wrong customs and fell into slavery to the world empire of false religion [Satan's organization]... This special case occurred during the First World War 1914-1918.12

In 1919, [Jehovah's Witnesses] left Satan's organization. The Watchtower, August 15, 1991. 17.

So, from 1914 to 1919, Jehovah's Witnesses were part of a satanic organization, which means they were Satanists...

68. Galina: Where did you get these texts? Show me the originals!

69. Me: I got these texts on the Internet, in the public domain. You can also read these materials there...

70. Galina: There are a lot of lies on the Internet.

71. Me: True, but that does not mean that these texts are not the authorship of Jehovah's Witnesses.

72. Galina: These are fake texts. Jehovah's Witnesses could not write such a thing!

73. Me: Do you think I wrote them?

74. Galina: No, but you fell for the bait of some critically minded people...

75. Me: Do you know these people personally?

76. Galina: No, I don't know and I don't want to know.

77. Me: Then you, without knowing them personally, accuse them of slander! Do you remember what you are called? You are one of Jehovah's Witnesses who must always be a witness to the truth. Are you ready to answer for your words?