Priest Alexander Permyakov

Let us suppose that Christ actually chose you in 1919 and blessed your organization to be the authorized representative of His kingdom on earth. However, between 1919 and 2011, Jehovah's Witnesses changed about 50 of their teachings. I recommend looking at another text: "Any change in doctrine speaks of a non-inspired source of those doctrines and of the efforts of leaders to reconcile the inconsistencies that have arisen." 15So now you may well be called apostates and traitors.

99. Galina: And what teachings have we changed? Give examples.

100. Me: Absolutely. The most striking change in doctrine is the teaching that Charles Russell is a "faithful and discreet slave." Until 1895, the Students of the Scriptures did not consider him a personal "faithful slave," but in 1895 they changed their original mind.16 (See Proclaimers, 1993, p. 143.) He was considered a "faithful and discreet slave" from 1895 to 1927, i.e., for 32 years. In 1922, the organization's second president declared that the denial of Russell's teaching as "Jehovah's faithful and discreet servant" was a denial of Jehovah himself.17 Now you teach differently. You regard the organization itself as Jehovah's "faithful and discreet slave." Correct?

101. Galina: That's right.

102. Me: Let's look at another text that confirms what the OSB now understands itself as a "discreet slave": The focus was on providing food, food of a good kind and on time. It was in accordance with this that the returned Lord [Jesus] had to make his decision. ... During the inspection [of the Society] in 1919... Jesus Christ found the appointed "slave" prudent and faithful in providing food for His [disciples].18 Pay attention to the phrase "during the inspection (of the Society) in 1919...". From 1895 to 1927, however, Jehovah's Witnesses taught that Charles Russell himself was "the faithful and discreet slave." This means that when he received his blessings and authority from Christ in 1919, Russell was considered the "faithful and discreet slave." And this brings the entire chronology of Jehovah's Witnesses to a state of complete absurdity. See for yourself:

A) Russell died in 1916. He lacked three years before the trial of confessions and the appointment of the "prudent slave".

(b) Russell died in the satanic organization in which Jehovah's Witnesses were present from 1914 to 1918.19 This means that Russell himself was, of course, a Satanist.