Priest Konstantin Parkhomenko

In St. Dionysius the Areopagite we find an interesting description of the symbolism of bodies and clothes, which are most often taken upon themselves by angels. We specifically cite fragments of this description, because when you get acquainted with the stories of the appearances of angels, when you look at icons or paintings in which angels are depicted, it will help you to relate to these stories or images more deeply, theologically meaningfully.

"I think," notes St. Dionysius, "that in each of the many members of our body one can find similar images that depict the property of the Heavenly Powers. Thus, it can be said that the ability to see means the clearest contemplation of the Divine Light by the Angels and, at the same time, a simple, calm, unhindered, quick, pure and dispassionate reception of the Divine illumination."

According to St. Dionysius, the discriminative powers of smell mean the ability to perceive, as far as possible, the fragrance of God's grace, which surpasses the mind, to correctly distinguish from the demonic stench and to completely avoid it.

The sense of hearing is the ability to participate in Divine inspiration and to receive it intelligently.

Taste is the saturation with spiritual food and the reception of the Divine and nourishing streams.

Touch is the ability to correctly distinguish between what is useful and what is harmful.

Eyelashes and eyebrows are the ability to guard the perceived Divine knowledge.

Blossoming and adolescent age is always a blossoming vital force.

Teeth signify the ability to share spiritual food; for every spiritual being, having received a simple knowledge from a being higher than himself, with all care discerns this knowledge and multiplies it, transmitting itself to lower beings, according to their receptivity.

Плечи, локти и руки Ангела означают силу действовать и исполнять волю Божию.

Ноги — движение, быстроту и скорость стремления Ангелов к Божественному.

Крылья означает совершенное отдаление от земного, всецелое, беспрепятственное и легкое стремление ввысь.

Сердце есть символ жизни Богоподобной, которая свою жизненную силу щедро разделяет с тем, что вверено ее попечению.

Грудь означает неутомимую силу, которая хранит животворный дар в лежащем под нею сердце.