Hierodeacon Macarius (Petanov)


The second apparition made itself known to the children with complete clarity, and they called it lightning, but it was not lightning in the strict sense of the word, but rather an outpouring of approaching light. Some of the spectators, about 50 people who came to the site, saw the sunlight darken for several minutes from the start of the meeting. Others said that the top of the leafy tree seemed to bend under some weight a moment before Lucia began to speak. During the conversation of the Most Holy Virgin with the children, many heard a rustling sound, like the buzzing of a bee. Lucia recalls:

"After I read the Rosary with Jacinta and Francisco and a few others present, we saw again the radiance of light that was approaching and that we did. was called lightning, and after that the Virgin appeared over the rocky oak, just as in May.

- What do you want from me?

"I want you to read the Rosary all day long and learn to read. Later I will tell you what I want.

I asked for the healing of one sick man.

"If he does, he will recover within a year.

– I want to ask you to take us to Heaven.

–Yes! I'll pick up Jacinta and Francisco soon. But you're going to stay here for a while. Jesus wants people to know and love Me with your help. He wants to establish the worship of My Immaculate Heart on Earth.

"Will I stay here alone?" I asked sadly.

"No, my child!" Are you suffering? Don't lose courage. I will never leave you; My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the path that leads you to God.

At the moment when She spoke the last words, She opened Her hands and gave us a second reflection of this matchless light. In it, we felt immersed in God. Jacinta and Francisco seemed to be standing in the part of the world that was rising to Heaven, and I was in the part that was spilling to the earth. On the right palm of Our Lady was a Heart surrounded by thorns that seemed to be pierced into Him. We understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, wounded by the sins of mankind and desiring redemption.

When the vision disappeared, the Lady, always surrounded by the light that emanated from Her, rose without the slightest effort above the green meadow and began to rise smoothly towards the east, until she disappeared completely. Several people who were very close to it noticed that the upper foliage of the tree was bent in the same direction, as if the Mistress's robe had passed over it. It remained like this for several hours until it returned to its previous state."