Christina Roy

"I don't know," he replied hesitantly. "I'm bored.

"Then come play ball with us!" The comrade suggested.

Henry did not move. Usually he willingly played with the guys and did not like solitude. But on this day some incomprehensible feeling drew him to a deserted path on the bank of the river. It was as if he heard an inner voice saying to him: "Turn right and go down to the river." At last Heinrich made up his mind, "No! I'll go for a walk! He said and, turning sharply, walked in the opposite direction.

"And where did his friend go?" Tip asked, interrupting the teacher.

"The other boys were already playing ball, and he joined them.

Henry went down to the river. Under a large willow tree, he saw a stranger sitting with a half-closed book in his hands, apparently admiring the sunset.

"Good evening, young man," the stranger said, hearing footsteps. "Would you like to sit down beside me?"

Henry sank down on the grass.

"I have just heard your conversation," the gentleman said quietly. "Was it you who said, 'Are you going home'?"

"No, my friend.

"So he asked you?" Got it... I will ask the same thing:

Are you going home?

"No, I'm coming from there.

"Yes, but are you going there?" The gentleman continued, pointing to the sky.

– I am talking about the heavenly abode. Did you know that there is a sea there that looks like a crystal? This river makes me think of the sky. The Bible says that in that beautiful city there are pearly gates and streets of gold, and all the inhabitants are dressed in white clothes and have crowns on their heads. What makes me happy most on this hot evening is that there we will not suffer from either the sun or the heat. Tell me, would you not like to go to this dwelling?

"I don't know," replied the surprised Henry, embarrassed.

– Царь этого небесного города, – продолжал незнакомец, – Сам Иисус, благодаря Которому мы можем быть в том чудесном золотом чертоге. Хочешь ли и ты быть там вместе со всеми святыми? Иисус любит тебя и зовет к Себе, обещая вечную жизнь в Его селениях…

В эту минуту звонок прервал рассказчицу, и она поторопилась закончить начатую историю.

– К сожалению, не хватает времени передать вам подробно все, что говорил Генриху тот господин. Скажу только, что с того дня мальчик стал много думать о слышанном и вскоре принялся читать Библию и молиться. А сейчас ему уже пятьдесят лет. Теперь он – пастор, и я часто слушаю его проповеди. Он сказал мне, что именно в тот вечер, когда он встретился с этим господином, Иисус постучал в его сердце, и он, отдавшись Ему, решился идти по дороге, ведущей в жизнь вечную.

Громкое "аай!" прервало ее рассказ.

– Это меня Вильям ущипнул! – объяснил Тип причину восклицания.