Christina Roy

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

(Psalm 118:105)

On Sunday, when Tip woke up early in the morning, he remembered that he was no longer the same Tip Levy, a ragged street boy. He entered a new life under the protection of Almighty God.

Tip had decided to go to Sunday school today, which he hadn't gone to since the day the young teacher told the boys a story that had so much impact on his life. Many days have passed since then. Unaware that the teacher was not from this world and had been in Sunday school by chance, Tip, in his heart, hoped to see her again.

The sun was already high, and he was still sitting on the bed and sadly examining his jacket. "Perhaps it would be better to turn it inside out?" he thought, and he did try, but at once he was convinced that it was impossible. Then he began to dream that it would be nice to have a clean, white collar, like the other boys. That too was impossible, because Tip had never had such a luxury in his life. The holes in his old, worn-out boots made him think again. He looked at the toes that peeked out of his boots in embarrassment. "Maybe it's better to go barefoot? A brilliant thought dawned on him.

"If my feet are clean, it will still be more decent!" He washed his head, hands and feet thoroughly. Then he returned to his room and combed his hair with a fragment of an old comb as best he could. He had never spent so much time at the toilet, but today, at all costs, he wanted to make himself clean and tidy. A cleanly washed face and neatly combed hair were all he had achieved, but even that was enough to make him unrecognizable.

Having joined his group in Sunday school, Tip looked a little embarrassed. He was afraid of ridicule about the change in appearance. However, none of the comrades laughed. They had seen Tip say goodbye to his brother in the coffin, and they knew that he missed him very much.

Classes began, but for some reason the young teacher did not appear. The guys were frolicking and making noise, when suddenly a general restless whisper was heard:

"The director is coming..

"Let's run quickly!" You won't be able to have fun today!

But it was too late. Herr Holbrook was already standing in front of them. And only one Type was satisfied.

- Hello, friends! The pastor said. Then, turning to Tip, he added: "Hello, Eduard! I am very glad to see you here today!

And he held out his hand to greet him.