Christina Roy

How many times has the pastor prayed for this group of boys! How many times had he brought Tip Levi to God! And yet, at Tip's resolute answer, his face reflected surprise, which was soon replaced by sincere joy.

"So you have already begun your journey to the heavenly land?" Herr Holbrook asked seriously.

"Yes," Tip nodded his head. "Yesterday I asked God for forgiveness for everything, for everything... And I don't know what to do next...

"I think you need a lamp. Isn't it?

–A what?

–Lamp. Have you not noticed that the boy I told you about today had to walk through dark places all the time? He could easily get lost if he did not use his lamp. Don't you think you need it too?

"I need help, but I don't understand what the lamp has to do with it."

"The lamp of which I am telling you will be of great help to you, if only you will turn to it constantly.

Herr Holbrook took from his pocket a small black-bound book.

"Do you know what this book is?"


–Yes. Have you ever read it?

–Sometimes. At school.

"Do you know that all the words of this book were written by people who were moved by the Holy Spirit?" That's why we call it the Word of God. And now I'll show you something.

The pastor quickly turned a few pages and pointed his finger at one verse.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet," Tip read aloud. Then he added animatedly: "Ah, now I understand what kind of lamp you are talking about!"

"I want you to start using it today." There is not a single dark passage in life that would not be illuminated by this lamp! And if you do not understand anything from this book, ask God, and He will teach you!

With these words, Herr Holbrook took a pencil from his pocket and wrote on the first page in large letters: "To Eduard Levy." Then he handed the book to the boy and, shaking hands goodbye, left.

Tip stepped outside, clutching his treasure tightly in his hands. It seemed to him that he was dreaming. Is his life really going to change? Some new, incomprehensible feeling filled his heart: after all, the pastor had talked to him so seriously and even presented him with a Bible!

Now, instead of running around with a crowd of street boys doing all sorts of stupid things, Tip calmly walked home.

"Oh, Tip Levi! He said quietly to himself. "Now everything will go well, because you have a lamp!" God Himself will show you the right path through him!